
Links for 2005-07-01

  • Radio 1 to be broadcast across America “It will be broadcast with a time-shift so that US listeners will hear Moyles’ breakfast show while munching their early morning waffles”
  • ‘Tom is a Freak’ t-shirt It’s about Tom Cruise, all right. Tom Cruise. Not me. Tom Cruise. There’s a “Free Katie” t-shirt too that I’ve got my eye on…
  • iTunesLyrics Dashboard Widget Possibly the nicest unexpected widget I’ve seen to date – shows the lyrics of the song you’re currently listening to…

2 replies on “Links for 2005-07-01”

Time-shifting is something I’ve wanted for ages, though for R4 rather than R1. I don’t mind getting news that’s five hours old, but having the ‘right’ shows for the time of day is incredibly re-assuring for us expats. (Most of all, going to bed with the midnight-45 shipping forecast.)

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