
I've no idea whether this

I’ve no idea whether this is true or not – I guess people in the UK will see this evening:

Day 13, 12:50

If the housemates ever get a task based on their knowledge of geography, they would be advised to steer Jade well clear of answers.

As Jade woke Spencer this morning, her remarkable lack of geographic nous came to the fore. She may have already consumed a few small alcoholic beverages to toast her 21st birthday, but the following transcript is somewhat tough to comprehend. Starting by asking Spencer what he does for a living, this is bound to go down as a Jade chat that will live with her forever:

Spencer: “You know you see those people in Venice standing on the back of gondolas, pushing it around?”
Jade: “They don’t do that on the Thames though, do they?”
Spencer: “No. I don’t work on the Thames. I work in Cambridge.”
Jade: “Is there not the Thames there?”
Spencer: “No!”
Jade: “Is there a river called the Cambridge river?”
Spencer: “Yeah, it’s called the Cam.”
Jade: “Really? You swear? I only thought there was the Thames. I thought that was the main one in London.”
Spencer: “It is. I don’t live in London.”
Jade: “I’m confused. I thought Cambridge was in London. I knew Birmingham weren’t in London.”
Spencer: “Would you like to go and tell the group what you just said?”
Jade: “No…”
Spencer: “Cambridge is a city.”
Jade: “But we’ve got a city in London.”
Spencer: “Yes. This city is called London. And there’s different parts of it. Cambridge is a city.”
Jade: “Of where? Kent?”
Jade: “Well England’s a country, London’s a city, Bermondsey’s just a throw-off. Now where are you? What’s your country, and what’s your things?”
Spencer: “What country am I from? England. The city is called Cambridge, the county Cambridgeshire.”
Jade: “So not Kent then?”
Spencer: “Nooooo…. The region is called East Anglia.”
Jade: “East Angular? That’s abroad. Is there not a place called East Angular abroad?”
Spencer: “Jade, have you been taking the stupid pills again?”
Jade: “Every time people tell me they work in East Angular, I actually think they’re talking about near Tunisia and places like that. Am I thick?”
<<...>> <<...>>
Spencer: “Well, I hate to say it, but you are.”
Jade: “Cos Scottish and Irish and all that comes under England, doesn’t it?”
Spencer: “No… They come under Great Britain. Scotland and Wales have their own flags. Northern Ireland and Ireland are different.”
Jade: “So they’re not together? Where’s Berlin?”
Spencer: “Germany…”


I'm thuper thanks for asthking,

I’m thuper thanks for asthking, all things conthidered I couldn’t be better I must thay. I’m a thouth park character as well. I made a little model of mythelf too. I look tho thweet.


There's a new version of

There’s a new version of Metalinker available now that that solves some of the problems with IE on the Mac.


Cuter than Queens, more fluffy

Cuter than Queens, more fluffy than jubilees, more endearing than a football match against Sweden – it’ll take the torch from and run with it: Rate My Kitten!


What a bloody bizarre evening's

What a bloody bizarre evening’s television: The BBC | USA Today | CNN. I only wish I had pictures…

Humour Illustration

God Save The Queen…

I couldn’t stop myself. God knows I tried. I spent ages tarting this up more, but in the end I cut all the fluff out of it and kept it to the basics – an image of a modern queen, remembering the bizarre horrors of a history of imperialism and really hard to get into frocks, with a little sex pistols shoved in for good measure. Country remember – fifty years of a sovereign, even a nominal one, isn’t necessarily an entirely good thing.


It's a Right-Rockin' Royal Jubilee!

Ricky Martin’s going disco-crazy, Brian May’s gone guitar-axe-psycho, there are bemused royals all over the place and an S Club member who ate all the pies. There’s humour from Lenny Henry, an audience of 200 million people and later in the evening – Rod Stewart (*gasp*), Queen (*not that one*), Tony Bennett (*he’s still alive?!*), resident evil Annie Lennox and thirteen thousand teen sensations. It’s a right rockin’ royal TV jubilee sensation and no mistake. Gawd bless ya Ma’am and your incredibly privileged family too…


Each man kills the thing he loves…

Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
  By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
  Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
  The brave man with a sword!

Some kill their love when they are young,
  And some when they are old;
Some strangle with the hands of Lust,
  Some with the hands of Gold:
The kindest use a knife, because
  The dead so soon grow cold.

Some love too little, some too long,
  Some sell, and others buy;
Some do the deed with many tears,
  And some without a sigh:
For each man kills the thing he loves,
  Yet each man does not die.


On overwhelming film experiences…

Anyone vaguely interested in superhero trash will be delighted to know that X-men 2 sounds like it’s going to be one hell of a ride. And speaking of over-whelming movie experiences, I’ve just seen the Spider-Man trailer on TV for the first time.


In which Sweden whip England's ass…

Now look – I don’t know a hell of a lot about football. And frankly I don’t care that much about football either. So this whole ‘World Cup’ thing is flying rather over my head. But when I woke up this morning and turned on the TV to find this Sweden vs. England thing happening, I thought it couldn’t do any harm to leave it on in the background. And now 67 minutes into the game I can’t help but notice that Sweden are whipping England’s ass. What the hell is that about?