
On the way to LA…

Thursday was a very long day. Not one of those long days where you feel like someone has grabbed each end of the day and stretched it, but one of those days when someone actually HAS. And not only that – they pulled with all their might.

I got up at 8am to the sounds of my parents arguing about who would have the privilege of taking me to the train station (“You do it”, “No! You do it” followed by “I suppose I’ll do it”, “No, I suppose I’ll have to”). An hour later, I am on my way to London. By 11am I am crossing London, and by 1pm I am at the airport. Two hours pass. 3pm – we board the flight and then it is a mere 11 hours before I land in LA. 6.30pm LA time (PST), 2.30am for me.

Kerry collects me and soon we are watching episodes of Friends that are repeats to him and partner (Sean), but have yet to even appear on cable in the UK (8pm PST / 4am GMT). Around 10pm PST (6am GMT) Sean and Kerry decide we have to go to a nearby club. I am surprised how chirpy I feel and agree instantly. But by the time we reach 7am GMT (11pm PST) I am wilting savagely. Kerry drives me back and installs me in a bed.

Where I suddenly (of course) find it impossible to sleep (for various reasons – not worth going into particularly). 2am comes and goes (PST), at which point Sean reappears – bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and with a great big grin on his face. It is nearly 5am PST, 1pm GMT before any of us manage to sleep. And by 10am the next morning (which of course I think is 5pm) I am wide awake – eager for stimulation again…

27 hours awake. 5 hours asleep. I will be dead before the week is out.