How can it be that I only watch American television and yet there is nothing on American television that I want to watch?! Last night (and this morning) I’ve been compelled to convert to Christianity, forced to ask my Mormon neighbour about something, overheard lots of celebrity gossip and been informed by middle-aged housewives who talk in soundbites about the better call rates of certain long-distance providers. In the middle – somewhere – was an episode of Digimon that seemed utterly incomprehensible to me. There was some wrestling too which was supposed to end at one time, but just kept going. I think. It’s probably just a problem of navigation or context – I have absolutely no idea where to get the television I enjoy watching – no idea how to watch the TV I see. None, whatsoever. In the end, we found ourselves watching The Antiques Roadshow with Hugh Scully on PBS. Phew! What a relief!