
Brief notes on San Francisco…

Right. So there’s no hope of me getting everything down as it happens, and I’m not sure I’d want to – there’s a fine line between making an experience last by writing about it and eroding the memory by putting it into words. But I’ll summarise briefly in lieu of actual weblog-content. On Thursday when we’d arrived, Webb and I mooched around some local malls before walking apocalyptically huge distances around San Francisco just to drink it all in. Yesterday we had breakfast in diners and wandered around book shops and met up with Ben for lunch.

He then joined our merry band and we went for dim sum in Chinatown before joining up with Cory for sake cocktails and beer from a fat lady who hadn’t heard of Caipirinhas.

From sake we went for burgers and beer (no burgers for me though) around Cory’s area – then a quick pass by Dave Egger’s pirate shop (closed) via Castle Doctorow, before a cross-town exhausted cab ride to Audium where we sat in the dark in a room full of suspended speakers and listened to weird hallucinogenic music. After alienating the performer by talking about how the noises in the performance were clearly of a distinct period, we went on for further cocktails (still no Caipirinha – compromised on Mojito) with Chris Collaborative-Mapping (who we met in the dark place and was obsessed by Hello Kitty) before stumbled exhausted back to the hotel and thence to bed.