
So I'm currently excited about

So I’m currently excited about two bits of press I’ve done recently – one for The Big Issue and one for The Bookseller. The former was orchestrated by a friend of mine, who basically wrote a kind of basic primer for weblogs and decided to cite me quite heavily, despite my extensive attempts to actually provide him with some actual stories. The latter is a much more serious work related piece on how print publishing companies can repurpose content for the web. Again, I must confess, it was partially orchestrated by a friend of mine. Neither of them are out yet, but I’m both excited and slightly disturbed by the prospect of their arrival. I think I’m still trying to work out my relationship to the press. When Derek gets mentioned in Wired I get these little pangs like I’m under-achieving on the web. But being trained as a journalist I know how easy it is to misconstrue, misinterpret or misquote. Anxiety strikes.