A long list of great weblogs compiled purely for my own benefit and with no ulterior motives whatsoever, and certainly nothing to do with stealing ideas for the plasticbag.org redesign or doing a kind of ‘state of the weblog nation’ thing:
- kottke.org
- evhead.com
- jish.nu
- littleyellowdifferent.com
- usr/bin/girl
- harrumph.com
- camworld.com
- megnut.com
- wilwheaton.net
- zeldman.com
- rebeccablood.net
- plasticbag.org
- robotwisdom.com
- opinebovine.com
– née swallowingtacks.com - textism.com
- bluishorange.com
- obscurestore.com
- a.wholelottanothing.org
- caterina.net
- davezilla.com
- notsosoft.com/blog
- doc.weblogs.com
- dollarshort.org
- wannabegirl.org
- rupaul.com