
I just did a quiz

I just did a quiz at the Guardian designed to figure out how much money you should be earning – it works it out by assessing your IQ. At the end of the test the quiz asked me what I was doing with my life. The quiz told me I was wasting it. And, in fact, that I should be earning about £60,000 more a year than I seem to be at the moment. More annoyingly the instructions for the second round of questions made absolutely no sense at all. So I just answered the same for all of them and hoped for the best.

You tell me – do these instructions make any sense? “Does the second shape differ in some way from the first shape? Or could the second shape be the same as the first shape?” The possible answers are “Could be” and “no”. Is that ‘No the second shape does not differ from the first shape?’ or ‘No the second shape could not be the same as the first shape?’ or is that ‘The second shape could be different from the first shape?’ or ‘The second shape could be the same as the first shape?’ – whoever wrote the quiz was a bit dumb if you ask me. Now, where’s my £75,000 salary?