
On the lazyweb – iTunes remote…

So I have an iBook. And I have a desktop computer. They are both Macs. My desktop computer is plugged into a stereo amplifier. I use it to play mp3s that I’ve rippped from my ample music collection. But mostly I use my lap-top for everything now. My home computer is nothing but a grotesquely powerful wireless networking bridge and jukebox. But I’m getting increasingly frustrated because I want to be able to control my jukebox from my main computer. From my laptop. My first reaction to having wireless networking is that I should be able to use my laptop as some kind of remote-control. I need a bridge a way of interacting with my main computer – something that will let me control iTunes long-distance… I hereby invoke the lazyweb

In related – posted-after-the-fact – news, I’d like to thank Euan for pointing me towards iHam on iRye (above), which is one of the best applications with a chronically stupid bloody name I’ve ever used. I am now comfortably sitting on my sofa wirelessly connecting to my desktop computer and completely controlling iTunes. I will be able to do this from any room in my ludicrously tiny flat. Including my bedroom. While I’m in bed. All in all, excellent stuff. And in related news, Matt Webb has pointed me towards the iTrip – an achingly gorgeous little piece of kit that you plug into your iPod. The iPod then broadcasts the music it’s playing in such a way that it can be picked up by any nearby FM radio. Stunning. I must have one…