Includes Konfabulator, Wetaste.com, Foxylicious, sid.vicio.us (did not understand this one) and several others
I wasn’t adopted, but I had a similar reaction to Secrets and Lies. I haven’t seen my father since I was two years old and have really mixed feelings about whether I should be looking for him or not.
This is nice – a paper on using particular parts of speech from web pages about artists to create a metric of artist similarity. Think about the stuff you could use delicious tags to do!
This is a campaigning site that makes no pretense to be unpartisan, but many of the clips speak for themselves. All bandwidth was donated by webloggers and members of the public.
“So, caveats aside, here’s a radically incomplete and idiosyncratic list of freely accessible research papers worth review before you plunge into your next information architecture project.”
It just goes to show that you can use statistics to prove anything – even, er, even things that, you know, the statistics very definitely don’t, er, prove… And, er, you know, if you’re a right-wing national UK newspaper…