- Konakai.com – everything you need to know about Tiki stuff! And I mean everything. And then a bit more. And then a bit more than that. Basically a hell of a lot of stuff about Tiki stuff.
- Blue Coconut – helping you to really share your iTunes music library Apparently it doesn’t work with iTunes 4.7, but I hear a new version is on its way. Looking forward to it.
- Optimus Prime wins US election We’re safe at last – he’s vowed to end the Decepticon threat.
- Could it be? Have the real-life actors behind The OC’s Seth and Summmer actually got engaged? Sometimes I think the best thing about my site is how undiscriminating I can be. I mean, you wouldn’t have gotten this on Dive Into Mark…
- Mena relaxes in her Canada 2.0 citizenship Now this is a country that I’d bloody love to live in – a North American state that merges Old Canada with Chicago and environs, the Eastern Seaboard and some of the nicer bits of Washington and California