
Links for 2004-12-03

  • “Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer”
  • “Sissy is a pejorative term for boys who appear effeminate – typical for a society that considers the separation of male and female identified characteristics more important than the separation of church and state…”

2 replies on “Links for 2004-12-03”

Merriam-Webster haa a pretty shabby bloody ridiculous definition of “blog”:
“a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.”
This is lame and poorly written.
A blog is:
“A usually minimalistic, text-dominant web site that primarily contains frequent, relatively brief messages or articles by an individual, often with user comment posting functionality, and lists of other blogs and web sites of interest.
A blog is generally written and maintained by a single person, does not require the sophisticated information architecture and content management systems of traditional, more complex web sites, and tends to be updated more often, thus generally is more dynamic and interactive, than conventional web sites.
Private individuals, from high school students and work at home moms to presidential candidates and physicists, use blogs to express personal opinions, to share professional information, and to point others to online content of potential interest.
Blogs are simple and can be used as marketing tools, online resumes, art galleries, and collaborative research nodes.”
Long, but a bit more realistic and precise.
We must dispel the notion that all blogs are narcisisstic diaries of random blabberings by boring idiots with too much time on their hands.
Vaspers the GRATE

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