Social Software

Modelling a space for group-activity…

In preparation for a piece of work we’re doing this afternoon, Mr Webb and I have been thinking around social software and its relationship to the other things we do in our lives. In other words – how often is it in real-life that we meet with people without a context, a circumstance or some kind of an activity to meet around – all good Shirky-esque stuff. As part of this thinking we’ve come up with what I think is quite a nice and useful way of conceptualising the relationships between our social activity per se and the things we do with people.

Imagine that you’re participating in a group activity – for simplicity let’s say it’s in your spare time. As far as we can tell, your activity will fit (roughly) into one of three kinds of group activity. The first one is where the media or activity form nothing but the background for social engagement – like having the radio on in the background at work, or going around to a village coffee morning. The second grouping is where the media or the activity is an inspiration or an ongoing pretext for social activity – like going to an political meeting or playing a game of football with friends. And finally there’s that grouping in which the media or activity takes up almost all the attention of the whole group – leaving (at least while it’s occurring) no room for overt social interaction. The cinema or the theatre are the perfect examples of that kind of activity.

Alongside this distinction (in which activity is either foreground, midground or background) there’s another one based around who you’re undertaking it with. Some activities you might choose to undertake with mostly complete strangers (perhaps joining an adult education class or going on a demonstration). Others are clearly activities that you undertake with just your friends.

If you put these two axes together, then you get a model of a space upon which you should be able to plot (in theory) pretty much any group activity you can think of. Here’s a visual representation:

Group activities can be plotted onto a 2-D grid.

Now the interesting stuff comes when you actually try and plot some of the spaces that we’ve created for online social activity. For the most part, activities that are undertaken primarily through a web-browser sit resolutely towards the bottom-middle of the graph. Only a few of the online interactions (notably e-mail and instant messaging) have any overt utility for groups of friends at all, and they only rarely attempt any kind of social activity that isn’t directed towards interest-group conversation…

Now one argument here might be that this stranger-space was relatively empty until the arrival of the internet. I’m guessing this is probably the case (and I’ll see tomorrow if anyone can think up a block of things that disprove me on that one). But the question now is – is that the end of the story? It seems relatively clear to me that with western countries gradually approaching a relative ubiquity of access (no matter what the device that access manifests itself upon) whole ranges of the graph will start to be practical spaces for experimentation – if they’re not already (which I basically think they are)… So maybe it’s in online analogues for these friend-focused activities that we should now be looking…

Social Software

Friendster as neocortical prosthetic…

I’ve been reading connected selves on the 150 person limit for weak ties and its relationship to Friendster:

“When i have 200+ friends on a site like Friendster, i’m not a social networks anomaly. What is actually being revealed is that my articulated network goes beyond the relationships that i currently maintain. While a high percentage of my friends and associates are on Friendster, not all of them are. There are quite a few relationships that i currently maintain that are not represented there. Additionally, many of the relations represented are outdated or on hiatus, not because i don’t love or appreciate those people, but because we are not geographically colocated or our personal situations have created a situation where time to connect is limited. This doesn’t mean that i don’t love and appreciate those people, just that they’re not part of my current situation.”

Particularly that early phrase, “I’m not a social networks anomaly”, intrigued me. The assumption seems to be that Friendster just reveals our social networks – uncovers them – and that we had to explain away those circumstances where it seemed to indicate that human beings were managing more than 150 weak ties. This seems odd to me – surely Friendster is actually a mechanism by which we might outstrip the limits imposed by the size and power of the primate neocortex. I can’t find a copy of the classic RIM Dunbar article online anywhere, but I did find an article on Neocortex as a constraint on group size in antelopes in which the author, Peter Taylor, specifically says:

“Social animals group size is not limited by environment or feeding behaviour, but by neocortex size. Social life requires the mental capacity to process relationships and social standing. Therefore bigger groups require a bigger ‘computer’ in order to process all the group information. When the group size increases over the computational capacity the group fractures into smaller more stable numbers.”

It would be cheap to draw a direct parallel between the language he uses to describe our social-network-management wet-ware (‘computer’) and social software online, but I think there are some intriguing and fairly obvious parallels between the kind of information that we use our neocortices to process and the information we try to incorporate into our online social tools – reputation management being the obvious example. This idea of social software and online community software as a prosthetic is one I’ve articulated before but I think this is the most clearly I’ve seen it expressed…

Addendum: There’s a really interesting post in a similar vein on too.

Design Navigation Personal Publishing Social Software

On the 'one big site'-ness of weblogs…

Here’s a weird quote about weblogging: “I believe in my heart that people should come up with their own publishing methods. Frankly, it’s boring to surf the blogosphere and see so many sites using the same, tired weblogging tools. The same basic templates, the same ‘post a comment’ form, the same URL schemes! It’s almost as if they’re all small parts of one huge site.” (Adrian Holovaty).

So my immediate reaction is that the fact that there are a limited set of really popular weblogging systems has probably been a good thing, because it means there’s an active and widespread community large enough to be able to self-support, fully explore the boundaries of the software available and push for new functionality. But more importantly, there’s an element in which all weblogs are part of one huge site. And that’s only partly the sense in which all the web is basically one big hypertext entity in which all boundaries between sites are essentially arbitrarily – or culturally – enforced.

More specifically I mean that at that point where a weblog is pretty much balanced between personal publishing (micro-broadcasting or ‘one-to-some’ communication) and social software (something like a distributed discussion board) there are aspects of ‘one huge siteness’ in play – and that that’s precisely why they’re mostly working. We have a roughly common vocabulary about what an entry consists of, a set of structures about how a site works, and systems of trackback, permalinking and commenting that are pretty much interoperable (in one form or another).

I suppose if I wanted push an old comparison (that I never thought really worked) in a slightly different direction, then I’d say that weblogs needed to be ‘like one huge site’ to the same extent that a peer-to-peer network needs to consist of mostly coherent and standardised applications in order to do what it does. Maybe some of the newer responses to writing and interactions between people are demonstrating that ‘siteness’ (heimlich) and ‘unsiteness’ (unheimlich / other) aren’t categories with as much utility as we once thought – or at least that breaching or straddling them provides opportunities for new, powerful kinds of applications.

Design Social Software

The Ugly Wiki (Part Two)

A few months ago a conversation emerged across the net about whether or not wikis were ugly (see also Many to Many) (and moreover whether the fact that they was ugly affected how useful they were). Obviously, the whole issue was rife with debate about whether the simple design of wikis was simply nasty or whether it was actually just more useful and appropriate to have something stripped down to the bone.

Anyway, over the last few weeks the team that Matt and I work with has been trying to put together a wiki for our intranet. I think they’ve demonstrated that maybe there are ways of keeping both camps content – simple, adaptable Wiki designs can be made that are also elegant and attractive. First things first – here’s a quick thumbnail of Kate Rogers’ design for the page (apologies for the blue border – it’s a standard thing).

I’m not sure that having the image reduced to that size necessarily does the design justice, so here are two screen-shots of the site at different screen-widths. The whole thing’s been recoded in (mostl) compliant HTML and CSS, so it’s also quite flexible:

Matt and I haven’t had that much to do with the getting the Wiki together – it was a project that existed before we got here – but we’ve had a couple of minor opportunities to help out and the whole process has been really interesting. I think most of all we’ve learned a lot about how Wikis should be rolled out to groups of people who aren’t really familiar with them – in particular the importance of transmitting the culture and the ethos. It’s still a bit of a work in progress, but it’s looking increasingly like it’s actually going to work…

But before I say any more about rolling out Wikis, major kudos to Paul Clifford and Joss Burnett – when we arrived in the department they were experimenting with Zope as a substrate for the intranet, and had put Zwiki in place for the wiki. But when we actually came to working through Zwiki’s rules for text-formatting, we were all a bit startled – they were extraordinarily arcane and complex. So we researched the problem a bit and looked at various kinds of wiki mark-up and discovered that there was not only a massive variety of them, but also that many of them operated on completely different principles from one another.

After considerable examination, we decided that MoinMoin‘s parsing was probably the most effective and useful for our purposes, because – even though I don’t think they’re as simple as Usemod – it’s powerful and has a relatively shallow learning curve. At which point Paul and Joss spent considerable time and effort building a highly effective MoinMoin parser for Zwiki – giving us all the benefits of Zope with a Wiki that is actually simple enough for non-technical members of the department to use. General consensus here is – that if we are able – we’re going to throw all this stuff (design and code) straight back out into the public sphere for people to work with and play with… More news on that as we have it…

Coming soon… The Ugly Wiki (Part Three)

Social Software

Hating your community…

So I think the worst thing about running online communities is that fundamentally you have to spend at least some of your time dealing with incredibly unpleasant people who want to do nothing more than fuck you and said community over simply because they think they’re more interesting, important and valuable than absolutely everyone else in the world around them. Particularly infuriating is when said people aren’t prepared to take responsibility for their actions – they spend two years – more even – trying to be a hate figure at all costs, and then decide that the way they’re being represented is unfair and unpleasant and think that maybe threatening to sue could solve everything. The sheer amount of bullshit that I’ve had to put up with around this is intolerable, the people I’ve had to counsel who think that they might be on the end of a campaign of hate and reprisals because they’re clearly dealing with a fucking psycho… Nnngh. Let’s just say that it’s getting tired (for the thousandth time) really fucking quickly…

Social Software

Superdistribution and Superlocalisation…

So I did my talk yesterday at EUvolt and I think it went OK. The paper was a bit of a Frankenstein’s monster of components of older papers glued together with liberal smatterings of last-minute thought-goo – but I think it hangs together ok. I’ve stuck a block of my introductory thoughts on the front as a series of rather wordy slides, because the paper only makes limited sense without them. They’re all a bit woolly and half-formed and really the whole thing could do with a loads more spit and polish, but I figured it’s best to get the damn thing out there for people to look at rather than leaving it stuck on my computer forever. So here it is: What’s next: Superdistributed and Superlocalised communities

Personal Publishing Social Software

Things to do with RSS readers…

When I was in Helsinki, I started thinking about RSS aggregators like NewNewsWire. More particularly I started to think about what extra functionality they should be able to provide.

Personal Blogdex: Here’s the most obvious idea. You have a whole set of feeds, all of which are time-limited (ie. things expire) and everything’s in a machine-readable format, and yet these readers don’t do anything with the data apart from display it. There doesn’t seem to be any specific reason why this is the case. So here’s my first suggestion:

A pane that collates and displays the most popular links that your feeds have referenced. A personal Blogdex

Suggested Weblogs: Again – NetNewsWire can export OPML lists of your subscriptions (and you can stick that online if you like) – but it doesn’t do anything with the lists that are being put online by other sites. It seems to me entirely possible to reference an OPML file in your own RSS feed (or even include it in your feed) in such a way that an RSS reader could read it. I don’t know whether or not NetNewsWire could realistically be set to upload an OPML file to a server (although Kung-Tunes has no trouble), but it could still read things put online by more human means. And that leads me to my second suggestion:

A pane that collates and displays the most popular weblogs that the people you subscribe to are themselves subscribed to…

More RSS, subscriptions and NetNewsWire stuff:

Net Culture Personal Publishing Social Software

Discussion and Citation in the Blogosphere…

A few days ago a stunningly interesting article was published on Microdoc News called Dynamics of a Blogosphere Story which aimed to look at exactly how a story or discussion moved through weblog space. I’ve been thinking along similar lines for a while now – at least partly as a way of articulating my problems with the iWire Scaling Clay Shirky piece. I’ve been trying to put down on paper why I think the iWire assertions are incorrect and to develop an alternative model of how discussion can occur usefully through the ‘blogosphere’. In fact more than that – I wanted to illustrate why I believe the system works to actually generate better discussion than a simple discussion board – by (on average) helping to hide the bad content and making it easier to find the good content. I most recently wrote something that gestured in this direction (How do we find information in the blogosphere?)

The Microdoc News piece is particularly illuminating because it’s dragged some actual examples into the fray. After examining 45 “blogosphere stories” they found four kinds of posts and a relatively predictable pattern of their usage, with an initial weighty post generating an explosion of smaller fragmentary reactions, commentaries and votes (cf Casting the microcontent vote). These posts are then aggregated or collected into another weighty post, which itself might have the potential to push forward the debate. Their four example posts are:

  1. Lengthy opinion and molding of a topic around between three to fifteen links with one of those links the instigator of the story;
  2. Vote post where the blogger agrees or disagrees with a post on another site;
  3. Reaction post where a blogger provide her/his personal reaction to a single post on another site;
  4. Summation post where the blogger provide a summary of various blogs and perspectives of where a blog story has got to by now.

I’ve been working in similar directions as this – in an attempt to resolve the questions, “Can you have good discussion across the blogosphere?”, “What is the nature of that discussion?” and “How does it differ from message-board conversation?”. And I think the answer lies – yet again – in going back to the beginning and looking at the way the web in general (and weblogs in particular) operate like an academic citation network.

The origins of the web are highly academic in origin. So it’s hardly a surprise that the combined use of hypertext and discreet blocks of content comes to mirror academic citation in research papers. Apart from a few wry-eyebrow-raising academics, I think most of us would agree that the idea that useful debate cannot happen in academic discourse is patently absurd. After all, the vast bulk of academic research in both the humanities and sciences is published as part of an ongoing conversation involving statements and citations.

The weblog sphere has taken on a great many of the characteristics of the distributed academic community’s citation networks – just at a much smaller, faster and more amateur level. Consensus can emerge (briefly or otherwise), reputations are made (deservedly or not), arguments occur regularly (usefully or otherwise). Nonetheless, discussions do occur, they do progress and they do reach conclusions. But it’s happening at a granularity of paragraphs rather than articles. It’s happening at a scale of hours rather than months.

The Microdoc article could easily have been written about citation networks in academic literature. And when we realise this, then lots of other things become clear too. The answers to my earlier questions are beginning to come into focus. And they remain basically simple answers too:

  • “Can you have good discussion across the blogosphere?”
    There are clear analogues for the way discussion over the blogosphere operates. One of those is academic / scientific discourse. This suggests (although it doesn’t prove) that not only can we have good discussion over the blogosphere, that it was almost optimised in such a way to make it inevitable.

  • “What is the nature of that discussion?”
    Perhaps we can answer that now by comparing the Microdoc article with studies of academic discourse like Kuhn’s Paradigm Shifts.

  • “How does it differ from message-board conversation?”
    If we know what the answer to the previous question is, then maybe we can answer this one by a simple direct comparison.

So here’s my suggestion of how we can usefully conceive of discussion occurring across the blogosphere (and I think it’s a model that’s practically explicit in the Microdoc article, so forgive me if it’s boring). We should think of it as a kind of micro-paradigm shift – a kind of hyperactive academia, where discussion moves forward in discontinuous chunks – with an initial weighty post articulating a position that is then commented upon, challenged and cited all over the place. But the debate doesn’t move forward until someone manages to articulate a position of sufficient weight and resonance to shift the emphasis of the discussion to their new position.

The weight of these debate-structuring posts can often be measured in terms of aggregated insight – in which case it’s a purely progressive model – an individual synthesizes all the interesting comments made by everyone else and pushes it slightly further, generating a new baseline from which the conversation can continue. On occasion, however, it would still be possible that an individual’s reputation would be weighty enough that everything they say defines the scope of the debate – that smaller dissenting voices would not be heard – and the debate would be carried behind a leader of some kind. And of course there are the times where a debate fragments or polarises, where more than one of these structuring posts occurs roughly simultaneously, or with radically different views – bifurcating any debate. Nonetheless, debate remains a series of discontinuous leaps, structured by impactful posting.

Here’s a diagram that I think illustrates how I think discussion happens between weblogs:

This ties in well with my previous article on finding information in the blogosphere. Because the smaller posts with negligible insight, voting or replicated insight are less likely to be linked to, then they’re also less likely to be read. And yet their value remains – they represent the arbiters (in a distributed fashion) of what should be being read. The posts that one is directed to most quickly are these structural posts – places where some kind of micro-paradigm shift has occurred.

I’m going to end now with a bit of a brief discussion about the differences between this kind of debate and the kinds of discussion that one finds on message-boards. I’m going to start off with a comparative diagram:

On the left, you can see a normal piece of discussion – as it would occur on a threaded message-board. In this example, the top post is the first, the second post cites the first, the third also cites the first while the fourth cites both the third and the second but not the first. In this debate there is no filtering mechanism of any kind. If the second post is entirely off-topic or contains spurious information, then it remains very clearly in the context of the thread. And if that thread is linked to from elsewhere, there can be no simple evaluation of what posts are considered more worthwhile than other1 – the thread is either good or it is not.

On the right, you can see a simplified diagram of the passage of a discussion through a citation network. If there are filtering mechanisms functioning through the community (in our case people choose who to link to based on whatever personal preference they wish to express) then the most important structural posts will self-locate towards the middle, generating a clear (almost linear) movement of discussion from first principles towards a conclusion of some kind. The conclusion itself may never be met – consensus may never be fully reached – but positions with regard to this evolving dominant narrative will be reached by everyone. Those posts which are merely “I agree” or “I disagree” will be filtered from the public consciousness, even as they have fulfilled a valuable function in directing people towards the next structural post in their debate.

So – what does this all mean? In essence I’m arguing that debate across weblogs self-organises in a pretty useful way. But I’m not going to pretend that it operates perfectly or that we can’t do anything to improve it. However, it seems to me that rather than bemoaning the things that make debate across weblogs different, we should be trying to grease the wheels of those mechanisms. It’s my personal belief (and one that I’ve expressed before) that things like trackback and Daypop work so well because they are specifically building upon – enhancing – the mechanisms that make webloggia operate effectively in the first place. If you’re looking for more specific suggestions, then I think that a balkanisation of blogdex would help different those mechanisms work more effectively within smaller communities with different and more distinct interests. After that, I have no idea. That’s where you people come in…

Footnote: (1) Obviously Slashdot has made gestural moves in this direction, but there are some interesting differences between the way the distributed community of webloggers evaluate one another and the way it is handled on Slashdot.

Personal Publishing Social Software

How do we find information in the Blogosphere?

It has become almost a truism in critical examinations of the Blogosphere to talk about how – with the explosion in weblog numbers – it becomes difficult to find the best insights on any given subject. I first came into contact with the clear expression of this idea in an article called Scaling Clay Shirky but it’s recently been pretty much everywhere…

I believe that there are some legitimate concerns in these sentiments, but I think fundamentally they miss the point – it’s my opinion that replication of content online and a massive increase in the number people posting about a specific issue does not constitute a problem for the blogosphere, but instead one of its most significant advantages. In fact I’d go further and say that where there are problems, these can be resolved by simply speeding up the self-organising mechanisms that are implicit within the blogosphere, which is, I think what sites like Daypop, Blogdex, Popdex and Technorati are currently doing, albeit in a reasonably primitive way. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Today I’m just going to talk about How do we reach 100% information saturation on any given subject in the blogosphere without reading anywhere near 100% of the weblogs in it? Or to put it another way: With everyone posting lots, does the system help me find the good stuff?

  • Before I start though – here’s a simplified, and easier to assimilate / read pdf version of what I’m about to say: scaling_clay_shirky.pdf [75k]

Let’s start off by aggregating all the possible insights about a given subject from all the weblogs that specifically refer to it. This total aggregation will represent 100% of the information available on the subject in the blogosphere at a point in time.

If information was distributed evenly throughout webloggery and weblogs were read randomly then take-up of information would be linear and stable – in order to get 100% of the insights, you’d have to read 100% of the weblogs.

Linear gradient

[In this first graph I’ve plotted on the left the amount of information that you’ve managed to assimilate versus (on the right) the percentage of the weblogs that you’d have to read in order to get that amount of information – in the very specific special case that information is distributed evenly and randomly. The features of this “special case” will gradually be removed over the rest of the article. Another point I should perhaps clarify is that I’ve tried to conceive of the bottom axis as also including the order in which one reads the weblogs – that should become clearer through the article…]

However, we know it to be the case that information will not be distributed evenly throughout these weblogs. Many weblogs will contain limited information of any kind. Some will contain a lot. Many will contain replicated information that could easily be found on other sites.

Graph reaches 100% earlier

In this graph, ignore for the moment the dotted lines on the left. they represent nothing but the uncertainly fo the beginning of the curve. This diagram takes into account that weblogs have different levels of insight withint them, and that information is often replicated (either by active memetic spread or because the insights are simple and common). In the vast majority of cases then – even given that you’re still reading weblogs in a totally arbitrary order – it’s likely that you’ll get extremely close to the 100% saturation point a significant way before you’ve read 100% of the available weblogs.

In practice – again assuming that you were reading the weblogs in a random order, it would be impossible to gauge the particulars of the curve that led up to the near-as-dammit-to-100% information saturation point. A sample curve would probably be organised in a series of steps – with gradual accretion of insight being the normal, but with occasional significant massive leaps also occurring.

The line becomes a series of progressive steps

Now – all these models have been based upon the assumption that the order in which the weblogs are read will be random. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. Some weblogs are clearly more likely to be read – this is not necessarily purely based upon the value of their contributions, but it’s not completely distinct from such valuations either. It would probably be fair to say that on average well-linked-to sites are more likely (albeit perhaps only incrementally) to contain insight than sites which are not linked to at all. Secondly, if someone does produce content of value and insight on any specific subject, then it is more likely to be linked to – which in turn increases the likelihood that an individual will visit the site in question.

Both of these criteria suggest that (in our attempts to reach the 100% insight threshold) we will be more likely to be initially directed to high-insight sites than low-insight sites. This changes our graph substantially.

The graph starts strong and levels off close to 100%

It seems likely, in other words, that even if there’s a limited tendency for sites with more insight to be read first – then the information accretion would be remarkably steep initially and the level off dramatically close to the 100% saturation point.

Hypothetical conclusions: For any given body of information on weblogs, no matter the rate of replication of information or the number of people who post exactly the same comments, close to 100% of the available insight can be reviewed by reading a disproportionately small number of sites – sites that will – as a rule – be among the first that they stumble across through their normal browsing and research patterns.

Related Hypotheses perhaps worth exploring: (1) The larger the number of posts about a subject (and hence the more likely replication) the smaller the proportion of those sites that need to be read in order to have reviewed close to 100% of the available insight. (2) The size of the available insight will increase as the number of posts about a subject increases (although perhaps not in linear proportion).

Social Software

My working definition of social software…

A while ago I wrote about a potential definition of social software based around Englebart’s theories of augmentation. Shortly before I went to ETCon I was talking about related issues with Will Davies of the iSociety and included (in my comments) a revised version of that definition, which I have since revised still further. So then, this is my current rough working definition of what it is I’m talking about when I’m talking about social software.

Social software is a particular sub-class of software-prosthesis that concerns itself with the augmentation of human social and / or collaborative abilities through structured mediation (this mediation may be distributed or centalised, top-down or bottom-up/emergent). Social software augments these abilities by:

  1. Removing the real-world limitations placed on social and / or collaborative behaviour by factors such as language, geography, background, financial status, etc;
    [This can also be seen as the basic aspiration of first-generation online discussion software as well as the gist of the world-changing hyperbolae of the press during the dot com years]
  2. Compensating for human inadequacies in processing, maintaining or developing social and / or collaborative mechanisms – in terms of information overload, generating appropriate filtering mechanisms, building in solutions to compensate for reptile-brain activity, developing structures that are immune to blame-culture, recrimination etc. This in particular can be seen as the replacement of the inherent limitations of geography (1 above) with mechanisms that generate parallel senses of ‘similar, different’, ‘near, far’ etc. This also includes feedback loops and the like;
    [Some of the more interesting work that people have been talking about already sits in this area – particularly Clay’s work on groups when he’s quoting Bion.]
  3. Creating environments or distributed tool-sets that pull useful end results out of human social and / or collaborative behaviour – for example, generating software that facilitates human creative processes in groups, structuring the process (or having the process emerge through apparently unrelated interactions) so as to have a distinct and productive end result;

That’s probably as close as I’ve got as of yet… Any thoughts?