Net Culture

Matt: gninrom doog. Tom: ayeh…

Matt: gninrom doog.
Tom: ayeh
Matt: ?neht thgin tsal gnibbulc tuo og uoy did
Tom: sey
Matt: .keew gnol a neeb s’ti .derekcank gnikcuf .htimsremmah ot kcab tnew dna godtoh a tog i
Tom: elihw a rof decnad dna zratspop ot tnew ew
Matt: ?uoy fo ynam
Tom: ?yllaer
Matt: .skeew gnorw fo kcats elohw a dah ev’i
Tom: sdneirf rehto s’ovad fo elpuoc a dna em ,ovad ,nomis ,nai – wef a
Tom: kcul dab
Matt: ?yadot ot pu uoy era tahw ,os
Tom: .okraD einnoD dehctaw tsuj ev’I
Tom: .legnA dna yffuB hctaw thgim won kniht I dnA
Matt: .taht wonk t’nod i
Tom: .kniht, ti evol d’uoY .ti ees ot evah ouy hO
Matt: .raey fo emit siht ta lufituaeb s’ti yltnerappa .wek ot gniog tuoba gnikniht m’i hguohtla
Tom: ?haey
Tom: ?gnihtemos ro retal eivom a rof pu eb uoy dluoW
Matt: ?saedi yna .ees ot gniog er’uoy tahw sdneped
Matt: .noitaripsni rof kcuts etiuq gnileef ,syawla sa ,tub .oot dnekeew siht nwolcedispu na gnitirw eb ot desoppus m’i
Tom: .doog eb dluow ti dna flah dna ruoh na rof citats yalp dluoc yeht !seivom gnikcuf eht s’tI – tsirhC suseJ .smlif cificeps ees ot seivom eht ot og ylno ohw elpoep dnatsrednu t’nod yllaer I
Tom: ?leappa eseht fo yna
Matt: .looc os era srotca krow fo tuo .dnuora gnignah tsuj sruoloc tnereffid ni pu desserd elpoep .CBSH ni ertaeht teerts looc yllaer emos s’ereht yadot htimsremmah ni :yllatnedicni .gnihtemos ro tra ecnamrofrep emos saw ereht fi ebyam ro ,ot koob a daer dluoc i dna rethgil tib a saw ti fi ti referp d’i .gniht eno ylno gniod ot sruoh elpuoc a etacided ot drah tib a ti dnif i
Matt: .se htiw taht ees ot desimorp i tub ..xap’k
Tom: .gniyonna er’uoy dog
Tom: ?gro.gabcitsalp no siht tup I nac
Matt: .ekil uoy fi
Tom: .ekil I
Tom: ?retal klat .tib a rof etamtalf ees og ot evah I
Matt: ).semordnilap htiw dnuora gnikcum tsuj ,em dnim t’nod( ?”was i tac a ro rac a ti saw”
Matt: .puy
Tom: amanap ,lanac a ,nalp ,a nam a


E-mail to Blog…

Did you know you can now post to Blogger (or at least Blogger Pro) via e-mail?


Is there anything good on the web?

It has been mooted recently by a lot of your more fashionable pundits that the web just isn’t as interesting as it used to be. I had this discussion with Matt Webb just the other day, in fact. He swore blind that there was no longer anything interesting on the web. Well he was wrong. And I’m going to link to fucking loads of things today to demonstrate exactly how wrong a man can be…

Street Pornography
It’s probably not quite what you think it is, but it’s still awfully good. A collection of captured streetlife – fast, unfocused, weirdly composed (if composed at all). Atmosphere is everything.


Mork and Mindy Mork calling

Mork and Mindy
Mork calling Orson, Come in Orson. This is Mork calling Orson – complete with cheesy music.


Plague Bored by life? Wish

Bored by life? Wish you were dead? Live in London? What a shame you didn’t live there in 1665 when you could have been one of the 100,000 people killed off by the Great Plague. Channel Four have all the charnel knowledge…


Jim Bowen 2001 If you're

Jim Bowen 2001
If you’re British and in your mid-to-late twenties or above, then Bullseye star Jim Bowen probably occupies a very very special place in your heart. Particularly if – like me – a weekend stay with your grandparents as a child involved a heavy dose of ‘nothing in this game for two in a bed’ on a Sunday afternoon…


Online Community Report Are you

Online Community Report
Are you a community builder? Are you interested in the latest revenue models for online communities? Well ok, so tht’s a bit of a long-shot. I think it’s interesting…


The History of the BBC

The History of the BBC
It might not be the most astonishing looking site but for those less familiar with the mighty organ of the British media it’s an incredibly useful place to start getting informed. I did quite badly in the 1980s decade quiz.


Am I unpleasant or not?

I’m thinking about a new and completely unpleasant feature for – based around the ‘meet’ functionality at Basically I signed up for this ages ago and occasionally get an e-mail in saying that someone wants to meet me. It’s all very embarrassing. Anyway – it occurs to me that I could be completely unpleasant and simply link to every single person who expresses an interest in meeting me – thus revealing the true depths of my personal despair…


Ev on Weblogs…

Ev interviewed: “Well, writing a weblog is, in essence, simply writing. So most of the rules of good writing apply — clarity, articulateness, conciseness. That doesn’t mean it can’t be casual, or quirky, or unconventional in style. But those who are either practiced writers or who at least take the time to edit a bit tend to be more readable. Also, not being afraid to add your own personality is important. A big part of what attracts people to blogs is their personal nature, as opposed to corporate media, but some people aren’t confortable enough to let themselves show, so they tend to be lest interesting than they could be.”