
This evening I am proud

This evening I am proud to host the second Maida Vale post-work Buffy marathon, in which my source at Time Out will exchange new episodes for old, and where we shall once again talk about the full range of merchandise that litters the flat – from my box-sets to Mella’s Angel cut-out, posters, books and chocolate bars. We will also (with any luck) get to watch the episode about the death of Buffy’s mother that is discussed at considerable and intelligent depth over at The song said, “whatever gets you through the night, it’s alright”. But I think I can honestly state that Buffy helps me get through the days as well. And I don’t care how sad that sounds – I got a first class degree from a good university, did over three years of postgraduate work, delivered papers overseas, retrained as a journalist and worked for Time Out while running a series of relatively successful websites – and all by the age of twenty eight. My opinion should count for something goddammit.