Hmm. That was a bit of a disappointment. I mean all things considered, that could only be described as a little bit of a disappointment. Basically, FiveLive‘s morning show was over-running and the weblog feature was stuck right at the end – leaving it to bear the full brunt of the sharpened knife of editorial pressure. So in the end, all we managed was an introductory chunk, a couple of lines from James Crabtree, a line from me and a short conversation with Alastair from Scary Duck. Apparently they also trailed a chatroom that didn’t actually work, which is a bit of a shame because it basically means that those of you who did have questions or comments or thoughts realyl didn’t have any opportunity to present them to the world…
So here’s what we’re going to do – if you have come to this site as a result of that chunk on the radio or if you have any questions or comments abotu weblogs and/or weblogging of any kind (or even if you just want to know what it’s like in the studio at FiveLive – then click on the link below and post your thoughts. Maybe that’s the best way to demonstrate one of the ways ni which weblogs can be valuable in having ongoing discussions – one of the things that makes it most different from simple broadcast media. And in the process maybe we can help some new people try out weblogging for the first time…