- Breathing Earth I’m not normally one for large Flash visualisations, but this representation of people being born, dying and the different countries of the world expelling CO2 is quite extraordinarily beautiful and informative…
- Metacritic has the pretty much excoriating condensed versions of reviews for “Another Gay Movie” Ah, my people. How proud I am. Anyway, it looks terrible, but I’ll probably go and see it if only so I can write an outraged weblog post about how gay people are being turned into pets or self-ghettoising or something.
- BBC News talks about the Microsoft Zune Come on, doesn’t the name say everything you need to know about this product? It’s supposed to sound future and cool and hip, but it’s more like your gran saying ‘zany’ to seem down with the kids. I can’t see it getting very far.
- Another BBC News story ‘reveals’ that most iPods are filled with CD-ripped tracks rather than iTunes downloads This can’t be a shock, can it? My personal shift happened about three years ago from buying CDs to listen to towards thinking of CDs as music delivery systems. Best thing about them? You get MP3s you can do what you want with and you always have a backup.
- Emily Bell joins Guardian Newspapers board Now that’s bloody interesting. Bloody interesting indeed. I shall think further on this.
- The new iPod Nano looks super sexy and the adverts are even sexier I’m guessing they had glowsticks or something originally and the Nanos were edited in in post production? No idea really. Or I suppose it could be computer animation and they could have just been holding a placeholder of some kind that was easy to track.
- I’m in a mildly sacrilegious mood, so let’s all sing along with Jesus… There’ll be a come-back. I’m sure of it.