
On ballots, blogs and the syndication-impaired…

Just a reminder – first things first today is the last day that you can vote for this year’s Bloggies. And secondly, I want to put in a bit of a plug for daily dose of imagery in the Best Photography category, because (despite the fact that the site suffers from one of those appallingly truncated taster-only RSS feeds* that drive me absolutely barking) the images are simply and regularly beautiful. Particularly recommended is today’s snowy car-lot in Toronto. Extraordinary.

* Other regulars / favourites that don’t get read as much as they should because of this fetish for miserable little RSS-dribblings: Zeldman,, Worlds of Waldman, Wish Jar Journal and Paranoid Fish. I know that you all have your reasons, but really…! Lots more people would hear what you had to say if you’d just be amenable to how we’d like to read your sites…