
May I be the very first UK weblogger to welcome you to the New Year…

12:01am: May I be the very first UK weblogger to welcome you to the New Year. For good or ill, we are now living in science fiction – it’s the 21st Century by anyone’s reckoning. A strange computer called Hal is about to become sentient and then go insane. Monoliths are being discovered even as we speak. Arthur C Clarke is feelish a bit sheepish generally, I would warrant. [2001]

There has never before been as much weight of fantasy placed upon a year – indeed upon a century. The world has never seen change as dramatic or as rapid. There has never been this many people to will a new vision of the planet from the ether. Reality and Fantasy are colliding, and for once I’m not entirely sure which one will win. May you live in interesting times.

[Happy Millennium from Jeffrey Zeldman]