Net Culture

In which everyone links to Starbucks…

It’s KPMG-link time all over again. Only this time, we’re talking about Starbucks. In a piece published at, it appears that a man who posted a link to the coffee company about how good Starbucks coffee was has been hit with a cease-and-desist, and been asked to remove said link forthwith. Last time with KPMG I encouraged everyone in the world to link to them immediately. They’re an internet business, and so susceptible to looking like an idiot online. With Starbucks, however, it’s a little more insidious. We really don’t want to give them any more publicity. So I’m thinking a different approach this time…

So link to sites that say that they hate Starbucks. Link to articles that explain how crappy they are. And how they’re putting people out of business. Link to No Logo‘s discussions of clustering corporate culture. Spread the meme everywhere you can. But don’t link to Starbucks because….. ooooh scary…. they really don’t like that. [PS – don’t bother linking to Starbucks Sucks because I think it’s been co-opted by the man!]