
Guardian debate has dodgy introduction…

So at the end of last week I entered into an e-mail debate with Simon Walden from Guardian Unlimited about the Best British Blog award. The debate was supposed to be a public way of voicing some of the concerns about the award that I’ve been hearing from people around the community as well as my own relatively strong feelings on the subject. I was approached because I’d made the loudest stink about the whole thing, I think, rather than because of any other criteria.

Well I’m reasonably happy with how the debate itself turned out – and in fact it’s now online at the Guardian in full. I’m less thrilled with the introduction that they’ve written to go on top of it, which characterises me, slightly unfairly I think, as a grumpy curmudgeon trying to spoil all the fun, rather than someone who thinks that the Guardian acted inappropriately. Still, never mind…