
30 days to a more accessible weblog

Yet again, I’m probably the last person in the world to have noticed this – but Haughey has found a profoundly useful and important site that tells you How to make your weblog (and by extension your website) more accessible.



So I’m approaching the end of my first week at and so far I’ve mostly experienced a substantial degree of culture shock. It’s so quiet here. The main noise is far-away typing and air conditioning. My normal exuberant wit feels very out of place here. There’s almost no opportunities for loud disco dancing at all. And no blonde girl to wave at from an upstairs balcony…


New York Mac Orgy…

It must be the coolest Mac party of recent memory – the free-for-all Lapdance (to be held next Thursday in New York). Sponsorted by Wired, it will take place at Remote Lounge, a “digital entertainment lounge” in the East Village. I’m so jealous I could vomit.


A history of the ancient world…

So I was in Borders today, kind of looking for some kind of decent contemporary history of the Ancient World, because for some reason I never really managed to fit together some of the periods that I studied when I was more academically inclined, and it occurred to me that it might be nice to be able to answer some of the damn questions people ask me about (particularly) Roman civilisation. But they didn’t have anything, so I left empty-handed…

… only to arrive back at my gorgeous computer to be confronted with the weblog of Julius Caesar – so entirely a great idea and so entirely an entertaining and well-designed site…


Scissors, Paper, Stone…

Long standing assumption: In the game of ‘scissors, paper, stone’ unless informed of the tendency of men to choose scissors on their first attempt, most men will tend towards choosing scissors on their first attempt. Scissors having psychological attractions for men, apparently, that are above those of paper and stone – considered perhaps passive or weak materials. Research on paper, scissors, stone: The First International RoShamBo Programming Competition [via Boing Boing]


Party in the Park 2…

Weblog Party in the Park head-and-shoulder shots confirm that I am no longer the slimmest, nor the prettiest British weblogger. Sigh. Life is cruel.


On Lucky Star – advert, not movie…

It purports to be a film trailer. But the film isn’t on Benecio Del Toro’s entry on IMDB. It has a funky website, but it looks like a car advert. It’s directed by Michael Mann, corporate-hunting director of The Insider, and yet it’s actually a fucking advert for Mercedes Benz [more].

It can’t just be me that thinks this is really immoral, can it? I mean – surely it’s false advertising for a start? There is no product of that name. In fact it’s purely designed to make people believe it’s a movie and fool people into associating the car with it. It’s designed to mislead. Surely that’s appalling? That can’t be right?

PS – is this the kind of thing you associate with cool, decent, well-meaning, non-exploitative, intelligent happy brands – or is it in fact utterly duplicitous and foul?


On starting at UMS…

I feel sick.


Saying farewell to Captain Fez…

Yesterday was a bit overwhelming. I went for dim sum to say goodbye to Luke, met loads of geeeks in Soho Square, went shopping with Cal and a guy called Paul, returned to Luke in the pub where thousands of webloggers and Barbelites mingled, then Cal and I went to see Scooby Doo which we entirely loved, then it was back to the pub again for a few hours, before a trip for Cornish Pasties with Drunken Matt and Darren before returning to the pub again. So I’m quite tired today. I’m still digesting it all. You will never hear me speak of it again. Farewell Luke! And hello to Prol who was with us in spirit.


Weird irritating Blog top 30…

Another annoying top list of UK weblogging: Which UK weblogs are the most popular Internet destinations?