
The Thirtieth Birthday Project

Rather than me writing a whole piece about the experience – why not open it up to everyone? Why not get everyone of you who has turned thirty to post their stories? Why not get everyone of you who knows a good site or joke or piece of information post it for all of us to see?

BEFORE WE EVEN START: Buy me a bloody birthday present already!

On the 19th of July 2002, I will be thirty years old. But with only a few days to go I find myself confused about it. It’s a milestone, clearly – but a milestone of what? Does you life change – or is it going to end up being exactly the same – just moreso? What should I expect from it? What should anyone expect from it?

So what I’m suggesting is this… Rather than me writing a whole piece about the experience – why not open it up to everyone? Why not get everyone of you who has turned thirty to post their stories? Why not get everyone of you who knows a good site or joke or piece of information post it for all of us to see? Then in the years to come (!) other people who are completely bloody freaked out about the whole thing can have all this wonderful stuff to make them feel better or worse…