
On Cross-Cultural Associations: Hygiene, Flattery and the term "Blogrolling"

What follows is the definition of a word that is relatively well known to webloggers across the world at the moment, that has been taken up quite quickly by American webloggers, but has strangely not been taken up as quickly by people in the UK.

\Blog”roll’ing\ n. [apparently coined by Doc Searls]
1. The placing of links in a semi-permanent sidebar-style form from one weblog to another, initially designed to be a short-cut for the creator of the site, which has subsequently become a place to demonstrate admiration, mutual respect, link-flattery and a tacit appeal for a return link of some kind.
2. The practice of individual webloggers to link repetitively and flatteringly to the posts and comments of their friends and online favourites.

Here is the word that ‘blogrolling’ is supposed to be a pleasant corruption or extension of – a word which one assumes is more familiar in the US than in the UK:

\Log”roll’ing\ n. [from]
1. The exchanging of political favors, especially the trading of influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of projects that are of interest to one another.
2. The exchanging of favors or praise, as among artists, critics, or academics.

What follows is the word that most English people will assume the word ‘blogrolling’ is a pun on – a word that is as utterly familiar to us as our own names and a word that casts a considerably less high-brow aspect on the whole ‘blogrolling’ phenomenon.

\Bog”roll n.
A slang term for toilet/lavatory paper – derived from the use of the word ‘bog’ to refer to the water closet or ‘bathroom’ in the United Kingdom – being a soft or semi-abrasive absorbent material with the specific purpose of removing excess faecal substance from one’s bottom after excretion…

Inspired by Been ‘blogging’? Web discourse hits higher level.