Personal Publishing

The "Not the Best Weblog" Project

On one side it gives you a chance to say publically and to the most number of people: ‘Best British Blog – not for me’. But more positively it also means that everyone gets to meet other people who feel the same way as them. And it might introduce new people to your weblog…

What is it?

The “Not the Best” project is really simple. It’s a tiny piece of code that post or stick in your template that will add the “Not the Best” box onto your site. The box includes a link to every British weblogger who decided not to participate in the Guardian’s Best British Blog competition. If you didn’t enter and you send in your site’s URL, we’ll add it to the box and it’ll be updated on everyone’s sites immediately.

How do I add the box to my site?

Here’s the code you need to cut and paste… You can put it on your site as a normal post in your weblog, or you can add it to your template. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable…

<script language="javascript" src=""> </script>

Here’s what it looks like at the moment…

What are the benefits to me?

On one side it gives you a chance to say publically and to the most number of people: ‘Best British Blog – not for me’. But more positively it also means that everyone gets to meet other people who feel the same way as them. And it might introduce new people to your weblog…

Why are you doing it again?

When the Guardian announced that it was going to run the Best British Weblog competition there were a wide variety of reactions. Some people were delighted and entered immediately. Others thought it was a slightly weird idea and entered anyway, others (like myself) thought it hadn’t really been thought through properly and wasn’t necessarily a good thing for webloggers and weblogging in general.

As we approach the announcement of the winner of the award it seems like the perfect time to celebrate some of the curmudgeons and grumps that (for whatever reason) decided not to play… And to waggle a friendly nose-finger at the Guardian in the process as well. Hence the “Not the Best” project…

But before I go any further I think it’s only fair to make it clear that anyone who has entered should feel that they have all of our best wishes. Good luck to you in the competition! And well done in advance if you should win. This isn’t about making other webloggers feel bad in any way.

Everyone who didn’t enter the competition had a different reason for doing so. Some people just thought they didn’t really have a chance of winning. Which is valid! Some just felt uncomfortable competing, others thought it was a popularity contest, some just didn’t understand the criteria that you could use to judge this kind of thing. Whatever your reason for not entering – altruistic, idealistic, jaded, bored or forgetful – you should feel able (welcome even) to participate…

So enjoy the variety of sites that decided fame and fortune were not for them – and if you want to join in the project yourself, remember – just stick this line of code on your site, and then e-mail a link to tom [at] and I’ll add your site as soon as possible…

<script language=”javascript” src=””> </script>