
Three small site changes…

Because I never tire of boring people stupid with little tweaks and quirks around the site, here’s an update about three small changes to the way the site is operating:

  • Taking my cue from Dan Hon,’s commenting interface has been changed in accordance with the recommendations from Antipixel (that are shortly to be integrated into the default Movable Type templates), which provide a simple, space-friendly and usable alternative to the standard templates I was using. [Spookily this coincides exactly with Paul Mison making the same decisions.]
  • While I haven’t as yet been totally thorough and systematic in their implementation, I’ve also had a go at making the site slightly more usable for people with accessibility issues. I have – of course – been using as a guide for this process – which I will complete more thoroughly at a later date.
  • On the bottom of the individual archive pages of this site you will find a small panel called “BBC: On This Day”. This is essentially a piece of meaningless fluff that directs you to the BBC’s On This Day entry for whatever day the post was produced. It’s far from perfect, and it’s not particularly useful as yet, but it’s connected to larger ideas I’m having about providing context and timelines for weblog entries. More about that soon, hopefully. In the meantime, if you want to know how the link is generated in Movable Type, the code is here.