
Microcontent Votes…

I’m frankly a bit exhausted today, so I’m taking the opportunity to have a sit down in the hotel and sort through everything that I need to get done before Thursday. This includes – of course – working through everything that I need to have read on the web in the last couple of days:

  • Adword Poetry
    I like Google Adwords. It really appeals to me (although it seems to be getting more complicated by the minute). There’s got to be more going on there than meets the eye – something worth playing with. Hmm. Come to think of it – I think I still owe Google $13 for running this ad two years ago…
  • Sparky redesigns
    I love Dan Ultrasparky, and Rooster and their dog and Glenn and I really want to go and visit them in New York. Later in the year, maybe…
  • Moby Mirror Project
    Right. That him done. Who’s next? I can’t be the only person who’s surprised that no one has talked about a Mirror Project book, can I? I mean – I’m sure some people have their Mirror Photos in decent resolution. You could make a glorious coffee table thing with some of them…
  • Fat Poofs are the future
    And once again I find myself ahead of the curve…

God I’m so far behind. You turn your back for a couple of days…