Yesterday I received a piece of spam with a title so interesting and dramatic that I felt I had to illustrate it with Photoshop. Presenting: “Unrelenting Massive C*cks Destroy Innocent Pussies!”
Addendum: Of course now my site will be blocked by my brother’s school for another six months. Sigh.
37 replies on “An illustration of spam…”
I suspect that this is not what they had in mind, which is a shame really…
Is this the start of a new art form? Interpretive spam art? Quick, someone register a domain name!
If this were boingboing and London were LA and spam was SARS, this post would be the start of some cool new cultural art thing and would wind up in Wired magazine next month. Good thing this is much better than that.
yeah, i’m actually starting to enjoy the spam that makes it past my filters. most of it contains what seems to be randomly generated text that could pass for bad poetry.
See also this recent Penny Arcade for a depiction of a door-to-door spammer…
Excellent. But you should have titled it in your own handwriting font thing.
I, too, have illustrated your spam. But it’s not so classy.
But mattw, that’s more like a cockswarm, than a massive unrelenty cock in the singular. It’s a bit like that horse-sized duck vs 100 duck-size horses.
Another spam illustration, but I mainly get marvellous Bayesian-avoiding sender names:
bum. that’s lots better than my spam monsters project. think i’ll give up now.
spam art
another much more famous brit blogger succumbs to the urge to create spam inspired art….
Jones, I like your Constitionally F. Iodizes … Andy Otwell and I have been collecting such fabulous sender names.
Round Up: When Friend’s Bail
Lance Arthur: Becoming Dated “You’re The Prize!” 37signals: Basecamp Coming “January 2004” Paul Ford: Ceiling Jeffrey Veen: Stop Stealing…
it’s Gigans brother ^_^
mattj: The spam specified multiple cocks, but I agree with the swarm problem. I had hoped to use a large ranked mass to signify ‘unrelented’. Perhaps if we could get the guys with the LOTR special effects computer interested in this game it’d be more convincing? Conveying innocence is also a quality hard to convey convincingly.
What this, and b3ta-style art, reminds me of is Archaic art. Feyerabend, in Against Method [p177], describes the style: “The picture becomes a list. Thus a charioteer standing in a carriage is shown as standing above the floor (which is presented in its fullest view) and unencumbered by the rails so that his feet, the floor, the rails can all be clearly seen. No trouble arises if we regard the painting as a visual catalogue of the parts of an event rather than as an illusary rendering of the event itself (no trouble arises when we say: his feet touched the floor which is rectangular, and he was surrounded by a railing…)” — the picture is a series of statements: “We have what is called a paratactic aggregate: the elements of such an aggregate are all given equal importance, the only relation between them is sequential, there is no hierarchy, no part is being presented as being subordinate to and determined by others“.
The picture is read rather than gleaned, and I’d contend that this form of art arises out of cultures that contain strong virtual worlds (we have cyberspace; the Greeks had systems of thought and description. It’s not so different), because if the world the artists inhabit is a construction, the art will tend to be like that too. (See also, Cyberspace as a paratactic aggregate.)
You are a genius.
“Even the purest kitten perished on the day the massive unrelenting cock came to town.” so for those who’ve already…
PoMo Spam
Tom Coates has found a way to thwart all those nasty spameses, by rendering them into art. Behold Cockzilla vs…
Politics, blogs and Spam Art
The Washington Post is reporting a study showing that a means of attracting the young voter in the US is to use blogs and chat facilities. Certainly the popularity of blogs like that of Howard Dean is a demonstration of how blogs can act as a catalyst …
SPAM illustration…
Attack of the Fifty-Foot Roosters
Item 2 of 3 in my net.kooks extravaganza: An illustration of spam…. From Tom Coates of….
Genius, nearly wet meself.
a picture tells a thousand words
From, and in his own photoshopping no less: Yesterday I received a piece of spam with a title so interesting and dramatic that I felt I had to illustrate it with Photoshop. Presenting: “Unrelenting Massive C*cks Destroy Innocent Pussies!…
Pılevate silmadega blogijad kaklemas
You know what we should do? Send up a Mars mission and then once they’re up in space, call them and say, “You guys can’t reenter the atmosphere until you develop a cure for AIDS. Get crackin’.” Selline veider koomiks. Ja siis muidugi unrelenting massic…
Spam illustration
‘The Enormous Chicken Cometh!’ Good lord, that’s hilarious.
I love you. I will never look at spam the same way again.
You made my day, although I coughed diet coke on myself, my day is much better on the whole.
I think you may have stumbled upon the only thing SPAM is good for. Brilliant!
Methinks someone should write a song about this that is sung to the tune of ‘Imitation of Life’ by REM.
You know, this would be way funnier with all the words removed from the image. Really.
The Illustrated SPAM
“Unrelenting Massive C*cks Destroy Innocent Pussies!” proclaimed the subject line of the message in the Inbox. What? Someone more inane than I concocted the truth of the story in Photo Shop. I have ta thank Goldie for trackin’ this story…
My friend John takes the fact that his site was filtered in schools as a badge of honour.
An Illustration of Spam
Yes folks, this plasticbag entry started it all. It inspired me to start my own blog. Is this just a temporary fad? Will it go away like those horrible wretched Furbies? Probably….
What Artists Do When They’re Bored
An illustration of spam…: Can’t…breathe….laughing…too…hard….
Simply Divine. I dont think I can ever think of cocks and cats the same way anymore too
If I didn’t have such a dirty mind, I might’ve thought of this
Carol points the way to Tom, who hilariously photoshops a spam. Bravo!…
An illustration of spam
Tom Coates: A cartoony illustration of spam… (via Camilo)…
FLEE! FLEE! THE ENOURMOUS CHICKEN COMETH! AAAH!!! Those words are etched into my mind for life. Genius. Everyone I showed thought it was completely hilarious. Cheers!
Despite the large quantities of funny stuff online, it’s rare that webstuff makes me laugh out loud. And I’m at work. People here now think I’m nuts. This is absolutely hilarious. Do more. I love it.