- David Sifry’s Wiki: BlogsAndPolitics This is an attempt at generating a comprehensive timeline of when weblogs had a significant impact on politics
- Poll reveals world anger at Bush Eight out of 10 countries favour Kerry for president – I only wish that I would trust all Americans to think that it would be in their best interests to hear the world’s anxieties about their president rather than to be affronted by these polls and react
- The World backs John Kerry in the US Presidential elections Unfortunately none of us get to vote, which frankly is beginning to be a problem if you consider the enormous impact that the policies of the US administration has on the rest of the world
- What the world thinks of America (Flash) A slightly more in depth trip through the statistics
- Frankie roberto on the BBCi Interactive TV Spooks Game
- Parallel text commentary to audio tracks using .movs
- Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay guide
- MediaGuardian.co.uk | Broadcast | The making of the terror myth
- We like Americans – we don’t like Bush Another article from the Guardian that goes into detail about the world’s opinions of President Bush. I can honestly say that I have no comprehension of why anyone could consider voting for him. Key line: “It appears to be personal because the public draw
- Thatcher – Hurry up and die… Posters spotted by my colleague Mr Biddulph illustrate a commonly-held desire in the UK