
Links for 2005-01-16

4 replies on “Links for 2005-01-16”

“I don’t really see why you couldn’t take a colour photo. Surely people on earth want to see what it would be like to experience Titan directly?”
Maybe, but you can tell a lot more of the detail from black-and-white images.

I think it is probably a bandwidth issue – B&W photos are smaller than colour. I think that as far as modems for interplanetary explorers go it’s still 1992… 🙂

“Really funny! Found via an Adword on Google. Now you too can set up your own podcast with help from our free video and opt-in newsletter! Or – I guess – you could read the page on Wikipedia instead…”
Yeah, you could do that. You could also cut your own grass for free but many people choose to pay someone to do it for them instead.

I think you’re missing the point here. Spending money for a video, waiting for the video, watching the video, paying someone to help set up the podcast etc – that’s the equivalent of doing all the work. That’s the slow, hard annoying way. The equivalent of the easy, fast way is to read the simple one-page document on wikipedia that explains pretty much everything. And guess what – it’s not only immediate and easy, but it’s completely free too!

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