- New London Architecture “Prefabulous London shows that a modern approach to prefabricated construction is flourishing in the capital with a new generation of designers and manufacturers building on the pioneering work of organisations such as the Peabody Trust.”
- Valleywag Hotties semi-finals: Jeff Weiner vs. Ben Trott The biggest debate coursing through Silicon Valley at the moment. Who would you rather nail? My boss’ boss or that guy that did Typepad with Mena?
3 replies on “Links for 2006-02-17”
No offense to your boss’ boss, but damn, those guns on Trott do indeed seal the deal.
Well hello Mr Ben !!!! ;o) And who said geeks couldn’t be sexy?
I’d rather nail all 3 of ya? Maybe too obvious.. um.. did I mentioned my slightly queer tastes?
Intrusive prone buffet! (Beware! qu33r str8 pr0n!)
Probably shouldn’t make this a weekly thing.. (4 AM again! Insomnia talking, be the disclaimer.)