
A Casual Report from Overwhelmington…

Another funny few weeks, another quiet weblog. Various things are going on – friends’ weddings and stag parties, projects at Yahoo reaching an end, trying to work out when to take holiday, planning multiple trips to the US, getting in several thousand dollars worth of expenses that have crippled my finances, having fights with my laptop, re-discovering High Priority and ‘leveraging’ the fucking balls off it, taking up a Saturday morning rolling game of Gnomecentric Barbelite World of Warcraft as if it were – quite literally – a game of golf, and Doctor Who of course. Always Doctor Who. It’s what the week is for. I’ve got a ton of things that I’d like to write up and talk about, and a bajillion things to prepare for and think about – but at the moment it’s all about being disciplined and focused and trying not to get too overwhelmed. Hopefully I’ll have one thing up for you guys to play with later in the evening. But no promises!