- How to do water droplets in Photoshop in five minutes I mean it’s fascinating and everything but having watched it all the way through twice I still actually have no idea how they did it or what each of the various things they did accomplished. Still, a fascinating five minutes.
- I’m fascinated to hear that there are PR databases full of my contact details! Oh happy day! Do you work in PR and want to differentiate yourself from the unscrupulous people who lie and spam for cash!? Then get access to these databases and find out what they say about me! Screencaps preferred!
- A new version of Thinglink has launched. It’s got some weird little usability irritations for me, but it’s nice to see it up and running. Big two problems for me: clicking on ‘home’ takes you to a login page for some reason, text on the homepage doesn’t make it clear what’s a tagline and what’s a link. Otherwise pretty interesting!
- If you remember, Google turned off its TV distribution efforts and everyone who had bought things using its local DRM found that they no longer worked. They were ‘reimbursed’ with Google store credit… Google have since reimbursed people. That’s good. But this is the narrative of future DRM-based media collapses, only in the future when a company goes bankrupt you’ll not likely get reimbursed for your lost media…
- Vaguely entertaining video parody of a supposed Microsoft Zune version of the iPhone Honestly, at the moment I think pretty much everyone is still reeling from the launch of the iPhone, so it feels a bit mean to pick on Microsoft in particular. Still, it’s sort of funny.
- A nice supportive message from Stowe Boyd… “Tom expresses the feeling that most well-known bloggers share: a learned avoidance — if not physical disgust — of PR folks who bombard us with PR.”
Author: Tom Coates
Yahoo! Messenger vs. Safari 3.0 Beta
I use Yahoo! Messenger for the Mac a lot at work and I have to say that there’s really very little wrong with it at all. I don’t like using Adium or those combined clients. They seem clumsy and tacky. Plus, running Messenger separately means that when I go home in the evenings I can turn off all my co-workers. Instant peace and quiet! Very nice!
Except since I installed the Safari 3.0 Public Beta I’ve had really significant problems with scrolling. The application appears to use a lot of webkit stuff, and so changes to webkit and the way it operates can have a negative effect on it. One particular change meant that every time someone posted a message the window would scroll right back to the top of the conversation. Very annoying.
Anyway, I posted about it on my site and someone posted a solution which has worked very well for me. I have no doubt that the next update of Messenger will fix it more systematically, but in the meantime, right click on your Yahoo! Messenger application, show packet contents and then navigate down to Messenger.app/Contents/Resources/Default.ymStyle/main.js. Once you’re there look for the function called scrollbarUpdate and replace the line that starts body.scrollTop with:
document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollHeight – window.innerHeight;
Now restart your app! All fixed! Thanks to rolocroz, whoever you are!
I’ve discovered that in one territory at least I’m in perfect tune with The Vatican, or at least with the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. I confess, this was entirely unexpected. From their perspective perhaps it would reassure them that there is hope even for the godless. From mine, it suggests that much of human ethical behaviour is biologically hard-wired and that it can be extraordinarily beneficial to an individual from a social species like ours to operate in altruistic and honourable ways. For more on that, if you’re interested, I can recommend pretty much everything but the last chapter of Matt Ridley’s extroardinary The Origins of Virtue.
The area that has triggered such an outpouring of love between the Pope and myself is advertising. It’s a territory that’s been on my mind a lot recently, along with marketing and particularly public relations. I’ve been trying to work out in my head what I think of all of these industries, which are both seemingly necessary and fundamental to the world we live in and yet simultaneously–to me at least–obviously ethically dubious. The Vatican seems to agree. Even though it has a pretty balanced view of these industries, recognising the good they can do, it also defines public relations as, ‘the systematic effort to create a favorable public impression or “image” of some person, group, or entity’. It’s difficult to view that description as anything but faintly damning.
When confronted with any accusation that industries like advertising are intrinsically dubious, however, the same arguments are trotted out in its defence. The one that I find particularly offensive (while accepting that it is not representative of the entire industry) starts off with the (entirely reasonable) move of declaring me and my sort hopelessly na√Øve and idealistic. It then roams off into altogether less plausible territory, first stating that we live in a world fundamentally red in tooth and claw and then retreating back into a weird childish rhetoric: “Everybody’s doing it, so why can’t we?”.
The most grotesque example of this position that I’ve ever read was in a book by celebrated advertising guru Paul Arden called It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be. I can’t find any of the (limited) substance of the book online to interrogate accurately and I absolutely refuse to buy a copy, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to hopelessly mischaracterise from memory.
In the book Arden confronts in two small pages of large type (with pictures) the question of whether advertising is fundamentally immoral. The question he’s specifically addressing is basically this – isn’t trying to make something look better than it is to sell it really a form of lying?
His response is to cite some examples of when people engage in advertising every day. He talks about the person who dresses nicely to go outside, or puts on make-up. These people are engaging in advertising he declares, and we don’t decry them. So what’s the problem? Then he talks about a vicar standing up in church and proselytising the Word of God. Clearly, Arden argues, in trying to make God sound sexy to his audience, the vicar is engaging in advertising. And if they’re doing it, what’s wrong with me selling the odd Pot Noodle, some powdered milk, a couple of MIG fighter jets or the Labour party? Just to be clear, I chose these examples on his behalf.
When I first heard this argument I was absolutely horrified and explored its logic to try and work out if it made any sense. And I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t. And here’s why. The whole position is based on a weak argument by analogy. Argument by analogy works on the basis that if two things are similar in one or many ways that one can argue that they are similar in another. Getting dressed up is an attempt to put someone in a positive light. Talking about God from the pulpit is an attempt to represent a position or belief system in the best light. Advertising is an attempt to put any object or pattern of thought in the best light. There is nothing wrong with the first two and therefore there is nothing wrong with the third.
But this only works if the three things are truly similar. So here’s the test – can we think of any significant differences between the advertising executive, the business woman dressing for work and the country vicar? Is there any possibility that the concept of ‘promoting the good’ might mean something rather different for each of them? The answer should be obvious.
Nonetheless, let’s dig into it a bit more. Number one – do people ‘buy’ other people as products, and are they likely to be seriously misled about paying for someone’s services if the physical appearance of the person without their clothes and make-up on is radically different from their appearance with them on. Answer, almost exclusively no. So the analogy doesn’t stand. Women who look nice are not normally engaging in the same kinds of exchanges as those that advertising participates in.
There are exceptions of course, so let’s look at one of them. An apparently attractive female prostitute is paid for by a young man. The man ‘falls’ for her positive messaging and invests money in the possibility of intercourse only to discover she is in fact a man in drag. This might be considered a closer analogy to the process of advertising. Is he likely to be happy about this exchange? Is he likely to think it harmless? If we said this was ‘like advertising’ would we think of advertising in a positive light. Probably not. We may not have much sympathy for the john in question, but that’s not really the issue.
And do we really think that the vicar stands up and sells God each week purely in order to get his salary and nice house? I would argue that he or she would have at some basic level a belief in the divinity they were talking about. Do we think an advertising executive has the same belief in Pot Noodles as a vicar has in God? Again, clearly not. The analogy again does not stand. If there’s a process of selling going on at all, it’s a very different one indeed.
The truth is, many of these jobs (marketing, advertising and public relations) are business optimisations. A division of labour between people who make and people who promote results in more efficient practice in both. But separating the jobs in this way also has its risks – it cuts off being an advocate from believing in what you advocate, from making the thing you advocate, from being responsible for the thing you advocate. And with the personal social responsibility for what comes out of your mouth removed, then there’s an obvious tendency towards corruption and lying.
And yet, advertising, marketing and public relations can result in a better world. The Pontifical Council for Social Communications says so in their work on Ethics in Advertising (Part Two, The Benefits of Advertising), and I agree:
Advertising can play an important role in the process by which an economic system guided by moral norms and responsive to the common good contributes to human development. It is a necessary part of the functioning of modern market economies, which today either exist or are emerging in many parts of the world and which — provided they conform to moral standards based upon integral human development and the common good — currently seem to be “the most efficient instrument for utilizing resources and effectively responding to needs” of a socio-economic kind.
Political advertising can make a contribution to democracy analogous to its contribution to economic well being in a market system guided by moral norms. As free and responsible media in a democratic system help to counteract tendencies toward the monopolization of power on the part of oligarchies and special interests, so political advertising can make its contribution by informing people about the ideas and policy proposals of parties and candidates, including new candidates not previously known to the public.
Because of the impact advertising has on media that depend on it for revenue, advertisers have an opportunity to exert a positive influence on decisions about media content. This they do by supporting material of excellent intellectual, aesthetic and moral quality presented with the public interest in view, and particularly by encouraging and making possible media presentations which are oriented to minorities whose needs might otherwise go unserved.
So what is to be done? Advertising has its value, it’s clear. It’s important that it exists in the world and it’s not going anywhere. But it’s also clear that people involved in advertising–like Paul Arden in fact–are prepared to leap through highly dubious intellectual hoops to defend their sense that ‘everyone else does it, so why can’t we?’ when it comes to massaging or deforming the truth, with no sense of context.
Which brings me to the Vatican’s recommendations, as filtered through Creative Review and noted down on Design Observer as “What God Says”. If you can find me an individual who works in advertising who follows these rules, then they’ll have my respect. However, I suspect that it will be easier to squeeze a camel through an eye of a needle…
- Advertisers are morally responsible for what they seek to move people to do.
- It is morally wrong to use manipulative, exploitative, corrupt and corrupting methods of persuasion and motivation
- The content of communication should be communicated honestly and properly.
- Advertising may not deliberately seek to deceive by what it says, what it implies or what it fails to say.
- Abuse of advertising can violate the dignity of the human person, appealing to lust, vanity, envy and greed.
- Advertising to children by exploiting their credulity and suggestibility offends against the dignity and rights of both children and parents.
- Advertising that reduces human progress to acquiring material goods and cultivating a lavish lifestyle is harmful to individuals and society alike.
- Clients who commission work can create powerful inducements to unethical behaviour.
- Political advertising is an appropriate area for regulation: how much money may be spent, how and from whom money may be raised.
- Advertisers should undertake to repair the harm done by advertising.
P.S. I wonder if anyone has had the nerve to turn these into a simple ten commandments of advertising?
- Drew B writes on ‘How not to court a Blogger’ citing my recent explosion on Flickr And I quote: “And maybe bloggers need to realise that if they publish and they have an audience, they are vehicles conveying messages, and companies will always look to sign them up.” They’re no better than spammers.
- Michael Clayton George Clooney thriller. Looks intelligent and interesting. Bit suits and eyebrows and slightly raised voices. Don’t know what it’ll be like. Anyone seen it?
- Anywhere.FM Fascinating idea. You upload your music to a central repository, and have a web interface to it wherever you are in the world that you use instead of iTunes. Full network joy ensues. Lots of possibilities here for social stuff obviously.
When I started this particular site in 1999 it was one of only a few hundred active personal weblogs in the world. Every time a new interesting site was discovered, everyone in the community linked to them. I met a lot of really nice and intelligent people in that early community, many of whom I’m still friends with. I mention this to demonstrate that it was possible to have a community of people who liked and got on with one another, communicating primarily through their sites but doing so completely without the benefit of blog comments systems.
I feel like my grandfather when I lurch into language like this, but in those days when people wanted to respond to someone else’s post, they wrote something on their own sites and stuck in a link. In many ways I think that we should have stuck with that way of handling communication through webloggia, that we should have dug around and find new ways to optimise that process (√° la Technorati), but when I look online today it’s not where we find ourselves. One way or another we have to make do and work to improve the environment in which we find ourselves.
The first systems I saw which allowed people to comment on blog posts were completely orthogonal to the blog posting services themselves. Sites like Haloscan were support crews for installations primarily built on top of Blogger. A link on the individual weblog entry would trigger a pop-up that was hosted in an entirely different place. Comments and posts weren’t stored in the same databases–sometimes they weren’t even stored on the same continents. And because they were held so distinctly, and because weblogs were so new, they weren’t exactly highly evolved bits of technology.
But still–even then–no message board would have allowed someone to start posting without a registration process or e-mail confirmations. These approaches were (and remain) some of the best ways to weed out the casually abusive. So why weren’t these features on blogs? Because many people’s interactions with a particular site were often desperately slight. You might find yourself visiting dozens of sites in a day. Some of those sites you might want to respond to, but you’d probably never visit again. The overhead for signing up with each one was just too substantial. So these comment systems kept themselves for the most part open and vulnerable, and simply hoped for the best. And for a time, everything was fine.
I switched my site to Movable Type fairly late in the game compared to other people in the community. The big selling point at the time was built-in comments and an individual page per post. I understood the attraction of the individual pages, but was far from convinced about comments. When I first turned them on, it felt very strange indeed. It felt as if I were opening up my home so that other people could come in and draw on the walls. And some people drew very rude things indeed. But on the whole the things were people’s opinions, they put effort into writing them and I had to respect that at least.
I think for me the real turning point was when the slow trickle of spam that had been coming into many MT sites for a while turning into a torrent of Trackback abuse, and I felt that it had got so bad I was forced to turn the whole mechanism off: Trackback is dead. Are comments dead too?. Trackback is still around a bit today in some forms on some sites, but for the most part once the spammers figured out that it meant that you could easily infect other people’s sites with links to your viagra-farm they leapt into action like a vampire spotting a ripe young neck. I don’t want to be mean to Six Apart here. MT was the most vulnerable to this kind of behaviour, because MT had pioneered the standard. A lovely idea crumbled under the weight of vicious cynicism from a few dozen vampires.
And then the comments. The dominance of a few key platforms meant that it was now possible to automate comment posting at a tremendous scale. I ended up getting a dedicated server at pair.com to host plasticbag.org and barbelith, convinced that the popular online community was causing everything else to slow down. Instead it turned out to be continual fake comments coming into plasticbag.org several times a second, talking about mother/daughter incest and bestiality. I ran to the people who developed anti-spam measures and installed MT-Blacklist and did everything I could, and still to this day–even with many tens of thousands of spam-comments automatically blocked–I need to plough through forty or fifty spam posts a day. Hundreds of thousands of comments have been spammed without me even seeing them, but still the ones that get through have lowered my opinion of humanity quite significantly.
It’s for these reasons that I’ve decided to do what maybe I should have done years ago – switch from allowing anonymous and blog-style comments through to requiring that people sign up before they post. And this is possible because of a range of new services that make the need to ‘sign-up’ everywhere less of an issue. From now on you’ll need to be registered using OpenID, Vox, Livejournal or Typekey to post a comment to plasticbag.org. They’re all services that have originated with SixApart, the same people who came up with Movable Type in the first place. Of all of them OpenID is the most open and the most interesting, in that anyone can host an Open ID service and you can sign in using those services to an Open ID enabled site in the world. The old problems of overhead have semi-evaporated and that’s why I feel I’m able to take the risk and make leaving a comment just that little bit harder. Hopefully I won’t put too many of you off.
I’ve done this finally because I’m trying to fight to win back my site. I want to recover the pleasure I used to get from the place, a pleasure that has been despoiled by cynical, money-grubbing bastards. It’s part of a process of working out why I’ve stopped playing in this glorious communal space and looking at how I can fix it rather than putting up with it. Stage one is fixing the comments problem. For a few months at least–until the spammers catch up–I’m not going to spend any time each day looking at people trying to sell men dreams of fantastically terrifying erections. I can barely cope with how happy that makes me.
After that I’m going to look at another problem that’s been stopping me from enjoying myself online – people who think my voice is for sale, and that my site is nothing more or less than a ‘vehicle for their messaging’. That’s going to have to stop too, and I’ll be writing about it shortly. In the meantime you can get a sense of my current mood on the thread surrounding this Flickr picture. In a nutshell, this is not a brothel – there are no prostitutes here.
And what can you do? You can reassure me by checking that the new comments stuff works. I’ve still got a few things around error messages and preview screens that at the moment are completely broken, but I need to know that in the meantime there aren’t any major ways that you would like to post that just don’t work. And I’d like to hear how you have dealt with your own spam problems on your own sites, and how spam has affected your writing and your blog. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
- Ged Carroll writes a rather over-flattering post about something I said on Flickr I’m going to write up my thoughts on the whole PR / blog thing as soon as I get a moment. Maybe later today if I’ve got plasticbag.org’s comments working properly again.
- If you’re voting for sessions for SXSW then perhaps you’d consider giving your honest evaluation to a session on presence that Brian Oberkirch, Biz Stone, Leisa Reichelt and myself are thinking about… I’d be talking about Fire Eagle, which I’ve not really talked about at all on this site, but will be doing so soon. It’s a joint Yahoo Research Berkeley and Brickhouse project with a distinguished roster of contributors. More soon.
- Noisy Decent Graphics has a highly entertaining post on the book “Churnmore”, a satire on PR, advertising and brand people Thanks to Matt Jones for pointing it out to me. I will be heading to Amazon and buying it immediately.
- Absurd news story of the day: A man gets arrested for using someone else’s unsecured wifi network without their explicit permission. WTF!? This is insane. Absolutely insane. “This arrest should act as a warning to anyone who thinks it is acceptable to illegally use other people’s broadband connections.” Ridiculous.
- The BBC Magazine asks. “Is stealing wireless wrong?” Nowhere in these discussions does anyone ask about those people who want to leave their wifi nodes open for the convenience of other people. It’s like putting a drinking fountain outside your front door by the road and shooting anyone who tries to drink!
- The Last.fm Normaliser tells you which bands and albums you’ve listened to for longest (based on the average song length) If you like your Orbital, as I do, then suddenly the fact that their tunes are four times as long as music by the Pixies counts for something.
- I’ve got a bit of a lust on for the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM This is the white monster for taking interesting candid photos and nature shots. Looks heavy!
- Is it just me that’s been having trouble with Yahoo Messenger for the Mac since the Safari Betas came out? Webkit seems to have changed its behaviour in such a way that Messenger no longer works quite so well. I’ll have to find out who to talk to about that.
- I keep walking past adverts for a new George Clooney film, Michael Clayton, but I don’t know much about it… I’ve watched the trailer and it looks quite interesting, but it’s sort of appeared on my horizon without any hype at all. Anyone know what the word on it is?
While reading the new issue of incomprehensibly fascinating magazine Monocle–which has a parallel web presence orchestrated by ex-boss Dan Hill that stubbornly (and equally incomprehensibly from my perspective) refuses to include any content whatsoever from the magazine–I stumble upon an article about New Zealand called ‘Slow Zone’. The article is about the nation’s rebranding as a laid-back and ‘pure’ environment. In said article I notice that ex-O’Reilly all-star Nat Torkington is quoted as follows:
The Didsbury vineyard is among those featured on the wine trail along the heavily promoted Matakana Coast, although in the words of the rather tetchy local blogger Nathan Torkington, “Matakana doesn’t have a coast, it has a shitty little muddy river chocked with soil runoff from the farms that line it”.
Yeah that sounds like Nat to me! Very funny! Rather tetchy local blogger may now be on his gravestone. And in some ways that might be a good thing, since his other favourite words are rather more satisfyingly graphic. His wife would probably be delighted with ‘rather tetchy’. Or at least, maybe she’d relieved..? His original post that Monocle quoted is here if you’re interested.
This whole issue of Monocle has been focused around place-branding at the country level, and it started off being fascinating to me but has now started to creep me out. Perhaps it’s the juxtaposition of countries–and all their associated concepts of citizenry and representation–with the pure representational illusion of the branding consultancy? Or maybe it’s more than that? Maybe the reason I feel uncomfortable is that I’m feeling my way towards a new understanding of branding, public relations and advertising people.
The questions that are in my head are as follows: (1) Why are people drawn to these careers in the first place? (2) What pleasures does it provide them with? How does it support their self-worth? (3) Is there something in common between branding and advertising people and the kind of people who go into politics, and should we be equally suspicious of people drawn to branding as we are about those drawn to more overt power?
I think what draws people towards these careers has to be in part its core idea: that people can be influenced and changed–that things themselves can become different, transcendentally more than they appear to be–simply through the exercise of pure ingenuity, intelligence and the use of colour, imagery and language. I think it’s that sense of transformation–of the ability to recreate reality–that plays to the self-image of some of the dominant players in the industry. And it makes me very suspicious indeed.
I wonder to myself as I read about work in branding at these scales what a sense of power it must give a man to recarve a planet in their image without having to do anything proletarian like make anything. Something about the whole thing makes me very uncomfortable and seems to have significant parallels with the class system – that there is now an intellectual overclass that sits above and beyond a subjugated general public. But more even still, that this class feels itself able to deform and twist the world around itself with delicate tweaks of long, gossamer-like puppet strings, and that it’s managed to nuance and twist the messages even of its own discipline to such an extent that it’s not even fully aware of the hegemony that it’s created.
There’s something of new orthodoxy of the elite where young men and women are drawn to industries of control and coercion. It’s the same kind of rather alarming power game that meant that Henry Higgins could massage his Eliza Doolittle into someone fit to marry and that somehow we’d be persuaded that this was charming rather than entirely creepy!
And behind it all, there is the support of undergraduate classes in cultural studies and postmodernity that have been appropriated to alleviate the guilt of the reality-deforming by decrying the idea that there’s anything real beyond the rhetoric to protect or fight for.
I used to teach some of those classes. I’m not immune from blame.
Thank god for tetchy bloggers then! People who’ll declare the world as they see it, separate from marketing spiel and describe a glorious branded coast as a ‘shitty little river’. There’s a risk that we celebrate the cynical and consider that to be balance for the depraved, but I don’t think we’re there in this case. And I understand that branding is a force in the world, that it’s a thing that must exist, that there is no unmediated message. And I’ll live with it all. But let’s not celebrate it, eh? That’s just tacky.
- I just got friended by Björk on Twitter. Bit weird. Advertising? Sponsorship? Official? Unofficial? Not sure what I think about this. Very weird thing to happen.
- Possibly my favourite headline of recent times: Chernobyl ‘not a wildlife haven’ Pretty fascinating little article though. Superficially, the surrounding area seems to be doing okay because humanity’s absence compensates a bit for the, you know, nuclear stuff. But still, the radiation is highly damaging…
- There’s a service that can automatically generate sets of your most ‘interesting’ photos on Flickr… I used it to create this list of my top 100 photos. It just goes to show how little taste people have and how much more keen people are on jokes and conversation starters than they are on good photography.