
Links for 2005-10-02


A reminder: Go and see Serenity…

Since it’s out in the States now, can I just remind all my American friends to go and see Serenity as soon as possible, and can I just add that if you don’t enjoy it, it’s your own fault for not watching Firefly first. I have no sympathy whatsoever. You’ve only brought it on yourselves. Brits, you’ve got another week left to wait, I’m afraid. And that’s just enough time to catch up on the DVD, which coincidentally I believe is on sale at HMV at the moment.

Addendum: (added October 1st 2005) I’ve just been looking at the ratings page for Serenity and it’s really surprised me. Remember, this is a science fiction action adventure – the kind of film that everyone associates with teenage boys and computer nerds like me. But in Serenity’s case, the average rating for men is only 8.2 to the massive approval rating of 9.0 for women. And in every age range (except the under 18s), women enjoyed this film more than men. Men between eighteen and twenty-nine gave it 8.2 compared to 9.2 for women. Men between thirty and forty-four gave it 8.6, compared to a mighty 9.3 for women. And even women aged over forty-five are rating the film as an 8.1, as the male approval rating drops to 7.1.

Just to give you a sense of how weird that is, I had a look at the ratings for The Empire Strikes Back, which felt like the closest analogue I could find (romance, adventure, space) and there it is pretty much men enjoying it all along the line. So if you are a woman and aren’t thinking of going to see Serenity because it’s a boy kind of movie or you just don’t like sci-fi – give it a chance. I don’t think you’ll regret it…


Links for 2005-10-01


A minor change to the design…

I’m kind of in the middle of another one of my random holidays where I feel continually oppressed by not having got anything sufficiently significant done. I really really need to learn how to take time off from all this web stuff. Anyway, I’ve been thinking for a while of getting rid of the ‘recent entries’ box on the homepage and replacing it with a way of directly navigating into the rest of the site. Today I thought I’d throw up this particular rough solution and see what people thought. I haven’t always categorised my posts, and I’m still working out how to do it well, so there are lots of gaps and posts that haven’t been captured and categorised yet. But it’s a start… Any thoughts? My first one is that it gives undue and slightly troubling access to a few semi-decent posts that maybe it shouldn’t…


Links for 2005-09-29


Links for 2005-09-27


Links for 2005-09-26


Links for 2005-09-25


Links for 2005-09-24


Links for 2005-09-23