
We went to see "Honest"…

Katy and I went to see Honest yesterday at the big première in Leicester Square. I have to say I don’t think I have seen such an absolute pile of twaddle in years. Individual scenes were great, some of the dialogue was really good, some of the camerawork was wonderful, some of the direction was cool. But most of all of it was just awful. Don’t go and see it (unless you want to see All Saints’ breasts).


Time Out is taking me to New York!

Best news of the moment – I am sitting at work thinking about this site I am building for Time Out which covers all the summer festivals in the UK when I get given an envelope by my boss. I open it and read the first paragraph: “You have been invited to celebrate the fifth birthday party …” – sounds cool – “of Time Out New York” – sounds cooler – “in New York City in October – all flights, hotel etc included!” – OH MY GOD. All permanent staff are tromping off over the Atlantic for an epic piss up and shopping expedition. How cool is that?!


Meeting up with Mark Olynciw…

Mark asked:

“Tom, Katy? What do Brits do on July 4th? This year, instead of shutting yourselves indoors and mourning the loss of this wonderful land I’m presently standing on… How would you like to meet ME? I’ll be in London, England this summer on July 4th, the American Independance Day… that’s funny in so many ways…”

British people don’t do anything particularly special on July 4th! That’s supposedly the day that you colonial types won your freedom from us cruel European overlords. For some reason, we don’t feel any particular need to celebrate that fact. Although every American themed bar in the country gets all jazzed up. And all the Americans do too. We look at them with raised eyebrows, in an indulgent fashion. As for meeting up – that sounds really cool! Why will you be here, again!? Oh and while we are at it, what an earth are you doing up at three in the morning?


On writing for riothero…

I’m all over the place today – I can’t concentrate on anything for more than about thirty seconds. It’s probably the riothero effect. I’ll tell you this much for nothing, writing for that place is like bathing in Class A drugs. Anyway – I am in the middle of catching up with my correspondence and site maintenance now that I am finally settled properly in my new place, have moved servers and have set up the now fully functional (but completely ugly) Nexus replacement: The Barbelith Underground which is full of bloody lunatics as ever.

I was really touched to see that people at Metafilter were worried about the site during its downtime the other day. Certainly, this was not a good look for the pages. Still, things are gradually getting back to normal. And the site is even slightly slimmer now that I have disposed of some of the surplus content.


You didn't go out with David Hockney did you?

Peter, can I ask you a question? You didn’t go out with David Hockney did you? It’s really hard to explain why this is interesting to me…


Sir John Gielgud has died…

Sir John Gielgud has died.


I run a website and you are on it…

I had a lovely evening last night with current squeeze, although his complete inability to arrive anywhere on time might get a little galling over time I fear. I reached that “I run a website and you are on it” point of a burgeoning relationship, which has raised a few eyebrows in the past. When he actually read what I had said, of course, he was relatively comfortable with the whole thing (or so it seemed to me). Oh poor untrusting fool… Of course, now I have to work my way through all that “who rings up the other one first” stuff. Which should be interesting…


On Mark, Beebo and Mrs Olynciw…

Apparently, Mark is really chuffed that Katy and I haven’t thrown riothero down to the pits of’s ratings. Anyway – he’s back soon, so no doubt I’ll hear all about it soon enough. I have to say that I love the fact that his mother drops me the odd note and has been checking on his position for him. That’s really sweet. My mother tends to glaze over a bit when I get going…


Conversations about where to go out and eat…

I was looking around’s metalog about half an hour ago, and came across a really cool site (an onfocus component) all about that conversation that you have with friends or significant others about where to go out and eat. I was so taken with it that I blogged it for accidental riothero (which is what I decided to call Mark’s site in his absence). And then I get a phone call from Peter, a “friend or significant other”, who wants to go out for dinner this evening. I almost ran back to onfocus, and when I had finished, I had generated this:

Tom: So, what do you want to eat?
Peter: I don’t know what do you want to eat?
Tom: I guess I’m not really that hungry.
Peter: Yeah, me neither.
Tom: How does Italian sound?
Peter: Hmm, we have that a lot.
Tom: yeah.
Peter: So you’re really not hungry?
Tom: Well, I could probably eat something.
Peter: Like what?
Tom: Just about anything, really.
Peter: How about Curry?
Tom: Yeah, I guess that’s ok.
Peter: I don’t know now.
Tom: You don’t know? Come on.
Peter: We could order Chinese.
Tom: You’re too lazy to go out and get food?
Peter: No, I guess not. Where do you want to go?
Tom: I was thinking that new Italian place.
Peter: That’s all the way downtown!
Tom: It’s supposed to be good.
Peter: I guess I’m just not in the mood.
Tom: Well, what are you in the mood for?
Peter: You said just about anything.
Tom: Anything but Italian.
Peter: You suggested that earlier.
Tom: I did? hmmm.
Peter: I always feel like Curry, but we never go.
Tom: That’s fine..
Peter: I guess I’m just not in the mood.
Tom: Well, I could probably eat something.
Peter: We could order Chinese.
Tom: yeah.
Peter: You said just about anything.
Tom: I was thinking that new Italian place.
Peter: You suggested that earlier.
Tom: We could flip for it.
Peter: What are we arguing over?
Tom: Italian or hamburgers.
Peter: heads.
Tom: I don’t have a quarter.
Peter: Curry.
Tom: Yeah, I guess that’s ok.
Peter: Let’s get a pizza.
Tom: Yeah, ok.
Peter: What’s your favorite number?
Tom: 7.

Now I’m terrified that it might actually happen…


Moving to…

So I have moved over to with relatively little difficulty (although I lost half a days worth of e-mail so resend it if it was important). The only thing that I am really slightly concerned about is the lack of already set-up stats package. I need something that I can use to track referrers (and the like). Anyone got any ideas?