
I have been using an

I have been using an Ultimate Bulletin Board for ages at the nexus. I have always been really happy with its functionality (although it is pretty heavy on the old bandwidth), but less comfortable with it aesthetically. It’s highly adaptable, but never really adaptable enough for my tastes. But then I stumbled upon dreamless,org. Not only am I astounded by the look of the pages, I have absolutely no idea how it has been done. For me to get the nexus looking like that would (as far as I can tell) require considerable amounts of engineering in the code behind the scenes. Can anyone explain to me how this has been done? [Explain it to Tom]


A good review…

Wow. Woke up this morning and read this on

“I started reading Barbelith because it was a relief to find a ‘British’ voice in the ocean of mainly Yankee blogs. But I wouldn’t have stuck with him if it hadn’t been more than just being British. Being personal, insightful, and perhaps being queer too. I don’t know, I’m vaguely interested in gender issues, always have been. Then of course came the famous redesign, the colours and realising that for the first time, ‘web design’ had made me feel ‘happy’… drawing emotions I normally experience listening to music, or being with someone special.”

I’m all glowy!


I'm in a bit of

I’m in a bit of a mood with SwallowingTacks. I don’t think that was the point at all. Still, never mind, eh?


Men, Women, Breasts and Circumcision…

Very much delighted to see that blogger has chosen the feminist media watch collaborative weblog as their log of the week. I’m relatively well informed in feminist theory as many of the issues in queer theory are derived from previous work in feminism, and there are many cross-roads and common interests between the two academic branches. However, no longer being in an academic environment, it is increasingly difficult to keep up with the issues. A couple of the debates really interested me:

  • The Involvement of Men in the Women’s Movement
    “I was speculating that perhaps men become involved in the feminist movement to water it down and make sure it never becomes an actual threat. A funny example of this is how at the Ms. magazine forum there was actually this self-proclaimed feminist guy who got offended at a woman claiming that men are privileged. She then pretty much conceded and appologised. That, I believe, is a concrete example of how men in the women’s movement can make women soften their voices and alter their stances for fear of being berated or disliked or whatever.”
    I read this post with considerable interest. As ever with political or social minority issues, there is an issue as to who can speak in feminism. The ability to articulate and argue and the right to do so are not givens, but areas of considerable complexity and dissent. And not necessarily in the most obvious ways either. One formulation of the development of feminism takes things through liberal feminism (equal economic and political rights on male terms), radical and/or separatist feminism (an ostensible rejection of patriachy combined with either attempts to dismantle/rebuild it or form an alternative on the model of possible matriarchal antecedents), through to French Feminist Post-Structuralist feminism, where women are conceived as trapped within a linguistic system that is phallogocentric, and which eventually leads to a collapse of the very categories of male and female.
    So while some have argued that only women should be able to speak because of social chauvinism, others have argued that it is impossible for women to even speak without recapitulating their own subordination. It’s difficult to say whether in the present example it is correct or incorrect to argue from the specific man to the generic male, nor whether it is truly possible for a man to be a feminist in any but the most basic and liberal senses of the word. That’s one of the reasons I am more comfortable with the idea of “queer”, where all the categories are undermined and what is left put up for grabs. Because you can be queer if you are male, female, heterosexual or homosexual – the only precondition being that you are suspicious of the categories you operate within.
  • Plastic Surgery
    I would have to be stupid to even consider denying that the prevalence of cosmetic surgery is symptomic of something dubious in our culture. And I would have to be even more stupid to say that women were not bearing the brunt of it. But having said that, I think we have to ask ourselves what is the most performed piece of cosmetic surgery performed in the US today. And the answer? Circumcision. I was watching “Sex and the City” on TV the other night, and the whole thrust of the episode was about an un-circumcised man being discussed by the regular female cast. Most of them agreed that uncircumcised penises were slightly gross. Only one disagreed. She said that uncircumcised men were particular fun. And the reason? “Because they try harder”. I was watching it with a couple of friends and we all kind of stared at the screen in mute astonishment. In the UK pretty much only Jewish men are circumcised – it’s just not considered an issue for everyone else.
    I’m not saying that this is an example of clear double standards – people clearly feel they have justification for the circumcision of their children and there are a lots of issues surrounding it, but imagine a scene with a bunch of men talking about breasts in a culture where boob-jobs were more natural than nature itself (say Los Angeles), where they all talk about how “natural breasts” are offensive and unnattractive (until one helpful soul points out that women with them at least try harder in bed). How does that strike you? It sounds appalling to me.
    Of course there are other interpretations that one might give: circumcision has often been used as a tribal intiation ritual to mark the procession into adulthood, and the arguments that the foreskin is unhygenic still hold some water in some places. Still – it is pretty much the only piece of surgery done as a matter of course in the US which actually changes the functioning of the body.

About bloody time. I have

About bloody time. I have FINALLY updated The Bomb.


I've had a great day.

I’ve had a great day. On Thursday night at the party I bumped into this guy who I had only met once before (when I was told very firmly that he was straight). Well, I am now reasonably sure that this is innaccurate! We went out for lunch today (Soho, £42 each, OUCH) and then went shoe shopping and looked at sunglasses and watches. We fooled around at every chance we could get. Gap will never be the same. Hopefully will see him again tomorrow when I’m going to see Gladiator with about a thousand other people.

Personal Publishing

Blogger could do with a global search-and-replace…

It occurs to me that the awesome blogger could do with a search and replace facility. I mean, I know it could be a right pain in the arse, but what happens when someone moves their blog to a new domain? I mean, how useful would it be to be able to just replace with, while still maintaining the integrity of the permalinks?


I found text through my

I found text through my referrer log. She was writing really nice things about many of my favourite blogs (and indeed myself). I get a few comments about my colour scheme, but really it is nothing compared to this – a whole block of colours that really really shouldn’t work well together (and which you’d have to have a fair amount of nerve to even try to use together), but which work brilliantly. All in all, an elegant piece of design. Simple and effective.


I know that everyone in

I know that everyone in the world has blogged it, but still – I’m pretty keen on the MetaCamPage. Gives me the opportunity to keep tabs in a big-brotherish fashion on lots of people at the same time, rather than merely one at a time…


I have finally decided which

I have finally decided which domain to buy when I shunt the weblog onto a new server. Please god let it not go in the few days it will take me to get organised. I don’t think I can take another reptilebrain fiasco. Obviously not saying a word to you lot, as you’ll rush out and buy it in a shot, which would depress me deeply.