
Ah… Those scamps on the

Ah… Those scamps on the Nexus – look what they’ve come up with now! A way to pity barbelith


How many times do I

How many times do I have to tell you? The Web is all about ME. Seriously, though, about a year ago I got really pissed off because a friend of mine said out of the blue: “You do realise I don’t fancy you right?”. I was furious – I mean, it’s not like I don’t have enough to deal with without people spontaneously telling me I’m unattractive. One of the wonders of the web helps compensate this behaviour: people you’ve never even met before say that they think you don’t look like the back end of a bus. That’s got to prop up a beleaguered ego!


No good idea goes unexploited,

No good idea goes unexploited, they say, but there are worse people to do it than the Guardian, who have just launched their own weblog. Quite how much it has in common with the kind of things that I do (or the other thousands of bloggers) is debatable, of course. [via linkmachinego]


Late in the office…

It’s been a difficult day – exhausting, stressful, and for a little while more at least, I don’t have my own home, or my own bed, to look forward to. So that must explain why it is 9pm and I am still at work. I got everything done that I realistically expected to about an hour and a half ago…

I’ve not been particularly inspired to write today (except about the war between city people and country people, which for the sake of diplomacy I have decided to pass swiftly over). So I decided to do my duty and blog a couple of stories for Web Queeries. I was surprised how tricky it was to write for – it’s really difficult to tell whether or not you can write in a flighty fashion or whether one should be more news-conscious. Judge for yourself whether or not I did a good job.


"Hi, my name's Tom. I'm

“Hi, my name’s Tom. I’m ringing … this is quite hard for me … ok … right … I’m ringing because … I have a sad … ridiculous … teenage crush on … Wes Bentley. Can you help? … um … hello?”

I’ll admit it. I loved The Matrix as much as any other red-blooded gentleman, and I am excited about the prospect of another two films. Otherwise why would I have invested so much imaginary money into them at Over the last couple of months, my fascination has waned a little however, only to be rediscovered when I stumbled upon an article which confirms that Carrie Anne Moss is going to be in the new films as well. She’s the last of the mainstays of the first film to sign on. And that is just the first part of the rumourfest… God, I’m such a nerd.

Someone should start a site about dead blogs. I mean – once they’re out of date, they are mostly pretty pointless things. And there are a great many dead blogs. The scariest fact? That a blog can be dead after as little as two weeks without an update. Cases in point: Carpe Diem [ironic name], Vision Thing [brought to you by the number 3] and Commblog [it’s all about Marketing].

Personal Publishing

On writing about one's partners…

So I am sitting in my new office, everyone else has gone home and I have a few things to get done before I can go drinking with Nick and friends. I’ve got the Sex Pistols playing on the G4 as compensation for the Drum and Bass that has been in the background for much of the day. I’ve been thinking a lot today, between bouts of savage work, about what limits a weblogger must set on themselves.

I remember reading an article a few months ago about how a guy kept an incredibly personal and detailed online diary. All his friends knew about it, as did his girlfriend. She made the astonishing statement that she actually checked his diary to find out the state of their relationship. It sounds horrific, but it seemed to work for them.

Other webloggers, while accepting that there will always be things which they don’t feel comfortable talking about publicly, are less certain about where these limits lie.

A few weeks ago, Jason Kottke said that there was something happening in his life that he really wanted to talk about, but didn’t feel able. Meanwhile, Riothero keeps his relationship with Lyda very much in the foreground of his log. Of course, this hasn’t been without its difficulties.

I’m very interested in hearing about how people reconcile this difficulty (although the question I perhaps should be asking is “Why would anyone want to talk about their relationships publicly on the web anyway?”), but I suppose at the end of the day it comes down to this – the only appropriate public comment about a partner is one that they are happy with.


The Web is All About

The Web is All About Me – or so you might think from looking around this morning. But before I even get around to that, I have to make it clear that riothero has just stepped his design up one substantial gear. It’s the cleanest, most elegant design he has ever produced. Mark, please, leave it like this for a little while!


I'm one of's Cute

I’m one of‘s Cute Boys on the Web!


Touched by the hand of

Touched by the hand of camworld:

“Someone has been submitting through my submission form every couple of weeks for the past few months. And every time I visited, the site just didn’t grab me. I don’t know if the design has changed or his writing style has changed since I last visited, but it’s turning into a pretty good site full of witty commentary and great links. And the design is decent, too.”


On work equipment…

What does it say about ones proto-revolutionary zeal when one is excited about finally having a direct phone line at work. I’ve moved offices and now have a sexy (possible) G4 with DVD player and Mac OS9 as well. If only the monitor were larger. Although having said that, there have to be limits