
Xenolith becomes Barbelith…

So I changed the name of the weblog from Xenolith to Barbelith yesterday, since it seems to be the most substantially operative part of the site at the moment. And now it looks like no one can find the thing. I still prefer Xenolith as a name for it, but I thought it was too confusing – people were calling the site all kinds of different things. Weird, disturbing things…

According to the age guesser, I am 31. I suppose it’s not that far off the mark. Only four years. Still – quite clearly in the wrong direction. It works on quite a cool principle – each answer to each question corresponds with an age, at the end of the series of questions it asks you your actual age. Every question that you answer in the way they expect (eg. answer “duran duran” if you are in your thirties) is weighted slightly more. And every question that you answer in a way that they did not expect (eg. answer “Stretch Armstrong” if you are in your eighties) is weighted slightly less. In time – only the really accurate questions will carry any weight at all. The questionaire is evolving…