- Lovely “Dance Dance” David Heinemeier Hansson (Revolution) post about the rhetoric that people use about ‘the real world’ “The Real World must be a truly depressing place to live. It’s apparently a realm where new ideas, unfamiliar approaches, and foreign concepts always lose.”
- Fascinating Pasta & Vinegar post about user research on Halo The best thing about this post is how much of the success of the game is predicated on the topography of the landscape. Something interesting there.
- Alice Taylor spots a really bloody nice looking coffee mug All styled up like a Chemistry beaker for your more accurate mix of coffee and milk, I’m guessing.
- Another coffee/tea-cup design experiment, this time allowing you get a sense of how milky/strong your tea should be based on colour. This is nice and everything, but I think it misses a trick. Assuming for a moment you put the tea in first you need to evaluate strength immediately separately from milkiness. I propose a colour guide at the bottom to recommend appropriate strength.