
No censorship in MIT webspace…

I remember a time when being at University meant savage and unwelcome censorship of web-space. Apparently this is no longer the case. Look at the wonderfully offensive things that MIT allows nowadays…

Missed yesterday’s entry, which felt a little odd. It was my younger brother’s birthday (he’s fourteen now). He’s been packed off to boarding school by parents eager to inculcate in him the ways of the uber-class. I bought him a copy of Day of the Triffids and some sweets from Muji. We will see (in years to come) whether or not he thinks I was a good brother.

Kinky Friedman was amazing. Classic songs like “They don’t make Jews like Jesus any more” and “Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed”. There can’t be many people more subversive than a Jewish Texan Country Singer / Detective Novelist.

There are some weird epinions things going on around the net. People seem to be becoming affiliates (glassdog, peterme), although quite why escapes me. I suppose there must be some point to it.

Speaking of personal sites – I have just stumbled upon Frankly the world can do with more “impudent, shameless, or morally unrestrained” people.

Now I must go to the gym so I can contemplate the overt body facism of western capitalism…