
On competitive impulses…

Christ. is mentioned twice on’s metalog in two days. I think that’s pretty cool. Whether that means I should be out buying a pocket protector is debatable.

I had a long conversation with Mark the other day about beebo’s related Weblog Rating page. When I started weblogging, I got really involved in the fight for supremacy on this chart for a while – not in any aggressive way, but for some reason it really mattered to me. Then my interest gradually cooled off. Whether that’s because I got bored of the whole idea, gave up on it, or found something better to do with my time is another matter completely.

Mark’s still going through the competitive stage and I spent our conversation trying to persuade him to think of it as a bit of a game, and nothing more. But then I go and move domain. I’m a bit unsure as to the quality of the design, so I’m really sensitive to people’s opinions of the site. And of course all beebo’s ratings page consists of is a guide to how interesting people think your site is. Suddenly, quite out of the blue, I can feel all those weird reptile brain impulses creeping into gear again. It’s debatable whether or not this is a good thing. Part of me thinks that adrenalin never did anyone any harm. But then again, it’s only a web site…