
Incidence of Weird Shit in Maida Vale

A few months ago I moved house. I was living on Morshead Road in Maida Vale and I moved to a thirties block of flats on Shirland Road. Anyway – various things happened to me when I moved into the new flat – things that I had to spend time while at work sorting out. Things like my gas being cut off and my locks being changed. Annoying stuff. So I’m at work and this woman hears me talking on the phone about my block of flats and comes over and says that she lives there too – although she’s just about to move out. We have a laugh about it – it’s funny, it’s a nice little coincidence, and then forget all about it. Until today I hear her on the phone and she’s moved into my old flat on Morshead Road. The exact same flat. Possibly even the same room.