- What’s Maria Wearing? A sporadically updated weblog that bitches about what Maria’s wearing on Yahoo’s The 9. I wish I had as many types of top as she does!
- Seven Tips for Naming Your Web 2.0 Startup I’m interested that the rules they cite are broken by pretty much every single start-up that they mention.
- The people who benefit most from talks and lectures are the people who give them I completely believe this. It totally meshes with my experience. The whole process of preparing, practicing and dellivering talks pushes me to clarify my ideas and then keeps them in a nice memorable structure that I find really easy to retain.
- Mark Thomas organises twenty-one demonstrations for the same day to meta-protest the limits on protests in Central London My favourite protest was outside Westminster Abbey and read, “God is Dead, Shut the Abbey”. It’s difficult to feel unhindered love for Mark Thomashe’s a bit of a smug bastardbut at the same time, the man’s got some style…
- Channel ‘five’ in the UK is doing downloads of some of its core TV shows You get to keep them and watch them for fourteen days after broadcast and you have to pay for them, and you have to use IE6 on a PC. But other than that, it’s pretty impressive. I’ll give it a few months until iTunes starts selling TV in the UK…
- Carson Systems are doing another Future of Web Apps conference in the UK – and this time it’s a two day event like in San Francisco I have to say that while I love talking at Carson events, I very much do not like the fear that I get for weeks beforehand. They’re huge events and they fill me with ridiculous levels of fear.
- Stephen Colbert’s awesome Cooking with Feminists Featuring Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem. I don’t know if my mother’s reading this, but I think you’d find this funny. I’m not sure, but I think you would. I hope you would. I think it’s funny. Um.
3 replies on “Links for 2006-10-16”
Re. Mark Thomas – Ban Static Mimes. Oh yes indeed. They are a useless waste of space.
We were stopped and questioned a couple of times, carrying placards around central London, on the recent Amnesty embassy crawl. The police were very friendly, though, particularly the helpful coppers outside the Chinese and Saudi embassies.
Thanks for the link Tom, and I agree with you about lectures. The more I work with the brain the more I see why we don’t get change. Lectures really fire the lecturer – because that’s how the brain works best to learn:-) No wonder we cannot get the boredom changed:-) I hope we can all spread the word and that might help. Great blog site! Thanks!
i loved watching jane fonda and gloria steinem with steven. the kissing. the cooking. it was great. i recently spoke with gloria on the phone re: greenstone media and she is really funny and totally approachable.