
On forcing oneself to do stuff…

So I’ve been thinking about the term to ‘force yourself to do something’ and kind of reeling at the absurdity of it all. I mean how can you force yourself to do something? Somewhere in your head you have one version of yourself pushing another version of yourself to do something they don’t want to do? Presumably kicking and screaming? But they’re both you, right? Not just the one that’s doing the forcing, but also the one being forced. So you might as well say that you were, “trying to resist forcing yourself to do something”. That would be equally bunk, right? I mean it would make as much sense, and realistically is a feeling I’m more familiar with.

So both the forced and the forcer ‘you’ are component parts of you. You can’t just identify with one of them. Which makes me think a bit about free will and which parts of the mind are genetically encoded and whether the part of the brain that needs to be forced is somehow being characterised as base matter – like we used to think of the body as being – with the forcer being our animating spark of divine will trying to get the corpse-like flesh of the body moving in a useful direction – the lightning to our Frankenstein’s monster of lethargy? Wow, that was a long sentence.

So basically saying that you had to force yourself to do something is a bit like saying that a rock is in constant battle with itself about whether to sit there or whether to get up and go for a walk. I mean, realistically it just stays where it’s put because that’s what it does. Whether you do things or not isn’t about internal conflict, it’s surely just about following your dictates – either dictates to animate yourself or dictates not to do so.

So why does it sometimes seem such a bloody enormous battle to convince oneself to even start doing a piece of work? What kind of stupid fucking evolutionary process ends up with procrastination, paralysis and apparent indolence? I mean, what kind of creature does well in the world by sitting at home in front of a computer for three hours in the early evening trying to motivate itself to write something about set-top boxes?! Where’s the reproductive advantage there?!

Stupid bloody world that should make me be this way and then make me neurotic about it.


Links for 2005-01-10


A quick cartoon from Hugh MacLeod…

Given my Zen-like state of calm today, this is potentially not the kind of thing I should be posting on my site in full view of my boss (hey dude). But it’s funny and it reminds me of a couple of weird working times in my life and the middle of one particularly appalling break-up and anyway, I’m still trying to procrastinate around writing up the Apple piece. Again. Sigh.

This is all inspired and illustrated by the book outline of How to be Creative by Hugh MacLeod, that I’ve just been reading about (again) over at his site. Early 30s people sure are a grouchy, disillusioned, stroppy, self-important and cynical bunch of bastards, aren’t they!

PS. Be warned, the linklog today is bloody enormous. It’s going to arrive around midnight with the force of a small atomic device. If you actually read any of the links I post, set aside a good hour tomorrow to work your way through them. Or just mark the damn thing as read in your RSS reader and skip on to something more useful.


A brief aside on Jerry Springer the Opera…

So I watched Jerry Springer The Opera last night on BBC2. It was pretty rude, pretty funny and had an interesting and surprisingly sophisticated philosophical outlook. I’m delighted that we live in a country where such things are broadcastable and I can’t really see why anyone would have had such a problem with it that they would have try and have it banned – particularly given the almost grotesque amounts of warnings that were placed around the show to try and avoid offending people. This was much less bizarre or troubling television than – say – the live Autopsy that was on Channel 4 a while back, or Derren Brown playing Russian Roulette.

The response around the net has been interesting and varied. Here’s a brief selection of some of the most interesting comments I’ve read on the subject:

Martin also mentions the BBC’s Points of View Messageboard where there’s been a lot of debate about the show – most of the comments that I’ve read at least have been highly supportive:

I should point out again that I’m also delighted that we live in a country where people are free to protest against things like Jerry Springer as well, and I understand that there is a complexity here about what is appropriate or innappropriate to broadcast. Certainly I’ve complained in the past to the BBC about things I think are unfair or dangerous or damaging. Sometimes I think the complexities of BBC policy on this stuff aren’t known to people outside the organisation. If you’re interested in knowing what the BBC thinks is appropriate or innapropriate (and what it judges itself against), then I can heartily recommend reading The Producer Guidelines which are well-polished and thorough.


Links for 2005-01-09


Being a filler post before the good stuff…

A while back I started getting really interested in home entertainment appliances and the future of pervasive computing in the home and stuff, but I haven’t really had enough time to really pursue my thoughts in this area too much. But earlier this year I started trying to assemble a picture in my head of what an Apple home entertainment appliance for the home would look like and how it would work. I had a really interesting conversation around this stuff with Kevin Marks in August or something, which got me fired up a bit more and several more with people at work that were variably useful. At a certain point I determined that pretty much everything I was thinking about was pretty unadventurous and everyone knew it already so I kind of left my sketches and doodles aside and only fiddled with them when no one was looking. Well anyway, the long and the short of it is that everyone’s now speculating about what Apple are going to release next week and a fair few of the speculations are unsurprisingly in the same path as my doodles were – particularly the fake mock-ups of an Apple Media Centre that have been circulating and Webb’s recent thoughts. So I’m going to try and drag everything together as quickly as possible and slap it up over the next 24 hours while it still might be of some limited interest to people… Um… That’s the lot for now, though…


Links for 2005-01-07


Links for 2005-01-06


Old news: Bloggies…

What else is going on? Er… Well, The Bloggies are up for nominations again – of all the weblog awards these are the ones that I think most accurately reflect the community that I know and understand, even though I’m a bit fatigued by even these least dodgy and most attractively low-key of community awardages.

Normally I would be standing up here and making a passionate case for why I deserved to be queen of blogworldia this year, because it’s fun to be queen, it’s trivial as all buggery and because certain categories are basically really fun to be nominated in (the gay category is always a shit-flinging bitchfight to the death, even though Ernie always wins it each and every year). Realistically, though, I’m not sure that I could stand up and say hand-on-heart that my site’s been terribly interesting or useful or fun this year. I think work’s kind of colonised my life a bit and my site’s suffered. But nonetheless, if you’ve taken a few too many diet pills this evening and are feeling particularly buzzy in the mind, then you could always nominate for ‘Best British or Irish Weblog’, ‘Best Computers and Technology Weblog’, ‘Best weblog written by a gayer’ or whatever. Lifetime achievement would be nice too, except realistically someone needs to give that one to Haughey or Blood already….

To be honest, if there’s any value in these competitions whatsoever it’s in weblog discovery – helping people out there find some new unexpectedly awesome people to read about, interact with and hang out with online. So whether or not you want to participate in the damn thing, can I recommend at the very least you go and acquaint yourselves with some of the following sites and services:


Old news: What happened with the Tiny Hat Project…

So I’ve been a bit low-key on the web recently so I thought maybe I’d post a few updates around individual themes. First up, old news about the Innocent Smoothies-inspired Tiny Hat Project. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, here is the description I posted on the second of December:

“Concept in a nutshell: buy drinks with hats, give money to charity, wear tiny hat, get someone to take a photo, look dumb, get dumped by your partner, embrace the fundamental pain of existence. You know, for kids!”

The next thing that happens after we’re all rolling around from how funny we are with our tiny little hats is that I get a phone call from Innocent Smoothies, who are duly excited about the whole thing and want to send us free smoothies. Dumbstruck I agree delightedly and tell everyone around us the story of free smoothiedom. We all wonder to ourselves whether the drinks will have the requisite little tiny hats. Perhaps they’ll have new flavours or something…

The days pass and no tiny hats arrive. Increasingly mortified, I become embittered by the world, and – to try and feel better in my desperate isolation – turn to drugs and murder and the humiliation of children. But still, nothing arrives… Until finally I get a phone call from reception – or more to the point Webb gets a phone-call from reception. Apparently the drinks have been sitting in the post-office for several days now uncollected, have gone off and fermented, exploded a little bit and ruined a bit of the carpet. They are thrown away…

Consequence of which is that my faith in Innocent has been restored, which makes me feel better. On the other hand, my faith in the communications around the BBC has been dented a bit. And I have no more little hats, or health giving smoothie-related vitamins. But I have a vaguely entertaining story to tell, so in the end everything worked out okay. Or so everyone will believe until I die of scurvy…