- The BBC Trust is asking for people’s opinions about the BBC’s proposed on-demand services If you have a strong opinion either way, you should probably express it to them.
- Oooh. Shiny. Apple have just announced they’re selling lots of multicoloured versions of the iPod Shuffle I mean, I know I’ll link to anything that Apple do, but still. Pretty. I wonder if I need another iPod.
- Beautiful credits and typography for the movie Thank You For Smoking, as made by Shadowplay Dan Hill of CityOfSound.com found this. Bloody lovely bit of work – really nice combinations of old cigarette packaging and animated typography.
- Simon Willison has pulled out another OpenID wonder from his hat – idproxy allows you to login to any OpenID supporting site using your Yahoo ID Really nice this one. As I understand it, it uses the BBAuth stuff and packages it up and translates it into the mechanisms of OpenID. What’s so good about this? In a nutshell it means that there are now millions of registered OpenID users in the world…
- Lord Mackay of Clashfern has protested against UK legislation that would make it illegal to refuse to give gay people equal treatment… He states, “What they are saying is if you are offering services you must be prepared to allow people to practise actions that you believe are wrong.” Yes! Yes that’s exactly what it means, you bloody idiot. It means precisely that you have to allow people to practice actions that you believe are wrong. Not in general. Not every action, but actions that cause you no damage! Get a job!
- The Archbishop of Westminster has written a letter to Tony Blair saying that Catholic adoption agencies should not be able to refuse gay couples… My favourite bit is the place where the agencies will currently refer gay couples to places where they could adopt, but consider that doing it themselves would not be in the best interests of the children. Hardly a matter of principle then…
- The BBC asks, “Should church be able to opt out of gay rights laws?” An interesting and fairly-balanced set of comments from people. Interesting point, it is already against the law to refuse to look at candidates for adoption on the grounds that they’re devoutly Catholic…
- Shuzak.com explores the anatomy of a successful social network It’s not a particularly surprising articlesuggestions include have a purpose, don’t push reputation, be useful, be niche, don’t whore your ads too muchbut it’s still pretty clear and reasonable…
- We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to remove Ruth Kelly from the position of Minister for Women and Equality. The argument here is about Ruth Kelly’s positions on gay adoption, which is widely considered to be as a result of her Catholicism and is considered by some to be incompatible with a role to promote equality within her ministry…
- Two factor theory is the theory that talks about motivators and hygiene factors in working environments Hygiene factors are things that need to be in place and if they’re not dissatisfaction occurs. Motivators are the things that create actual satisfaction.
- Tom Loosemore lists ‘The BBC’s Fifteen Web Principles’ There’s nothing here I disagree with, but I’m not sure it feels right somehow.
- The Guardian reports on the IPCC report on Climate Change and it’s … well frankly it’s scary … The specifics of the weather changes are one thing, but the significant pressures on the world’s populations, the wars and the terrorism and migration it’s all going to cause – that’s the stuff that’s really worrying…
- 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn‚Äôt Live Without A really good summary of a huge amount of stuff you should probably know about if you’re designing and building websites using CSS…
Mary is one of the last surviving members of humanity, sat on a boat in the Galápagos Islands in the book Galápagos by Kurt Vonnegut. She is accompanied by a handful of other survivors and Mandarax, a small portable information resource, translator and repository of quotations:
What Manadax didn’t tell her, and what her big brain certainly wasn’t going to tell her, was that, if she came up with an idea for a novel experiment which had a chance of working, her big brain would make her life a hell until she had actually performed that experiment.
That, in my opinion, was the most diabolical aspect of those old-time big brains: They would tell their owners, in effect, ‘Here is a crazy thing we could actually do, probably, but we would never do it, of course. It’s just fun to think about.’
And then, as though in trances, the people would really do it have slaves fight each other to the death in the Colosseum, or burn people alive in the public square for holding opinions which were locally unpopular, or build factories whose only purpose was to kill people in industrial quantities, or to blow up whole cities, and on and on.
Nobody leads a life of quiet desperation nowadays. The mass of men was quietly desperate a million years ago because the infernal computers inside their skulls were incapable of restraint or idleness; were forever demanding more challenging problems which life could not provide.
- Nicholas Carr’s written another one of those posts in which you sort of sit there and look at the world and its changes and you sort of heave your shoulders and sigh I feel guilty for getting stroppy with the chap, but’s I can’t help thinking that being British, watching the culture calmly and dropping the odd comment that indicates you’re resistant to change is a very good way to look intelligent without the hard work of actually thinking
- Joel Veitch and Seven Seconds of Love have been given a pay-out from Coca-Cola after the multinational giant ripped off their song and video Tremendously good news. It’s really satisfying to see personal non-corporate creativity win out in these environments against all the odds.
- Rasmus Bjork has been exploring why aliens haven’t found us – his conclusion is that it’s because it would take them billions of years to do so Rather spuriously, he seems to have decided that said aliens would send eight probes which would each subsequently break into an additional eight probes. My guess is that if they did it with more probes it might take less time…
- The Daedalus Project talks about the use of addiction metaphors in relation to gaming I’m definitely guilty of this, although I don’t see too much difference between arguing that it is possible to become addicted to gaming and that it is possible to be addicted to gambling. But the point is taken and well-meant…
- Nick Yee writes about MMORPG ‘addiction’ and correlated behaviour and feeling with behaviour that an actual addictive substance might generate… “The claims that MMORPGs are completely healthy or completely addictive are both extreme to the point of absurdity, and are not supported by the empirical data provided”
- Andy Baio’s written a great post about piracy and the Oscars and the effect of the piracy-free DVDs sent to academy members… The general conclusion I get from this survey and from friends in the industry is that the companies who insist on copy protected DVDs ended up with Academy members unable to watch the films and subsequently not winning awards…
- Ofcom are throwing a wobbly at the BBC’s download plans and this is one time I’m very definitely on the BBC’s side We have to face it, the role of the ‘broadcaster’ in the distribution of television is on the decline as other methods come into play. Radio’s safe. TV’s changing and on demand will get larger. Hobbling the BBC in this area is the kiss of death to the org
- Flickr’s introduced the concept of machine tags for everyone to start playing with Ooh. Classy. Nice. All kinds of things can be built off the back of this. I’m just starting to get my head around the possibilities, although it’s probably worth noting that I’m not necessarily sufficiently qualified to get the best view…
My ex-colleague Simon Willison has recently been doing some profoundly good work out in the wilds of the Internet promoting and explaining OpenID. In fact, the best articulation I’ve seen anywhere on the Internet of the OpenID concept is his screencast which I think neatly sums up the value of the concept as well as how easy they are to use.
You’re going to need to understand OpenID before I go much further, so if it’s an area that’s new to you, this is the point where you need to either go and watch that screencast or follow carefully the simple description of the service that follows…
OpenID—fundamentally—is a solution to the problem of having a million user accounts all over the place. Instead of getting hundreds of user names all over the place you go to a site that provides OpenIDs and choose one username and password. These sites then give you a pretty simple web address which is probably easiest to think about as a profile page for you. Then when you want to sign into any other site on the Internet with an OpenID all you do is type in the address of this profile page. The site you’re on wanders over to that address, the other site asks you for your password, you tell it your password and then you’re bounced back to the original site where you are logged in and can get on with your business unfussed. Sometimes the local site will ask you if you want a different user name. That’s all there is to it.
Having the same ID across a number of sites can also make a number of other things possible. You could hook up all the stuff you do over the internet really easily, and aggregate it and get a handle on it. You wouldn’t have to share your passwords with lots of different people either. All good. From my perspective, given my long term interest in technologies of moderation and social software, Open ID also provides one super-significant thing – relatively stable, repurposable identities across the web as a whole that can develop levels of trust and build personal reputations. But more on that in a moment.
Of course with new solutions come new problems and the most obvious problem associated with OpenID is ‘phishing’, which is to say that a site could ask you for your OpenID and then pretend to be your central provider. You type in your password thinking that you’re safe, but in fact you’re giving out your details to a rogue third party, who now can use it across all of your registered sites and services. This—let us be clear—is a very real problem and one that Simon talks about again in his piece on OpenID phishing. I’ve heard some really interesting ideas around how you might do this stuff effectively, but I’m still not completely sure that I’ve heard one that I think is totally convincing. This isn’t such a problem for the phishing-resistant old dogs like the people who read my site, but could be an enormous problem for real people. In the endif such a project is to take offI suspect this problem is going to be solved by a combination of design and education. People are going to have to get their heads around web addresses a bit more. Or we’re going to have to build something into browsers that handles distributed identities a bit more effectively.
The area that I really wanted to talk about today though was social whitelisting, which Simon and I were discussing the other day and which Simon has already written about on his site. This emerged out of some conversations about a very weblogger-focused problem, ie. comment spam. I’ve written about problems that I’ve been having with trackback and comment spam before, but every single day it seems to get worse. I get dozens of comment spams every single daysometimes hundreds. And this is even though I use extremely powerful and useful MT plugins like Akismet. And the spam is profoundly upsetting and vile stuff, with people shilling for bestiality or incest pornography, or apparently just trying to break comment spam systems by weight of empty posts.
Over the last year or so, it’s stopped being a problem that I’ve been able to deal with by selectively publishing things. Now every single comment that’s posted to my site is kept back until I’ve had a chance to look at it, with the exception of the few people that I’ve marked as trustworthy. It has now very much become a problem of whitelisting for meof determining which scant number of users I can particularly say it’s okay to post. And if this is where I am now, with my long weblog history and middling okay technical abilities, I can only dread where everyone else is going to be in a couple of years time. This is unsustainable and we have to change models.
Which is where the social whitelisting concept comes in. Most whitelisting has been around approving specific individual people, but this doesn’t scale. A large proportion of the people who post to my sites are doing so for the first time and may never post again.
The solution that Simon and I came up with was really simple and sort of the opposite of Akismet. Jason Kottke deals with a hell of a lot of comments every day. So does Techcrunch and GigaOM. Every day they approve things that people have written and say that it’s okay for them to be more regular posters. So each of these people is developing their own personal whitelist of people that they trust. More importantly I trust Jason and Techcrunch and GigaOM along with Matt Biddulph and Paul Hammond and Caterina Fake and about a thousand other people online. So why shouldn’t I trust their decisions? If they think someone is worth trusting then I can trust them too. Someone that Caterina thinks is a real person that she’s prepared to let post to her site, I should also trust to post on mine. This is one of the profound benefits of OpenID – it’s more reliable than an e-mail address that people can just spoof, but it’s just as repurposeable. You can be identified by it (and evaluated and rewarded for it) all across the whole web.
So the idea is simplicity itself. We switch to a model in which individual sites publish lists of OpenIDs that they have explicitly trusted in the past. Then individually, site owners can choose to trust anyone trusted by other site owners or friends. People who are trusted by you or your friends or peers can post immediately while the rest are held back in moderation queues for you to plough through later. But with any luck the percentage of real comments held back over time would rapidly shrink as real people became trusted and fake people did not.
Another approach to this idea would be to create a central whitelisting service with which you could share your specific trusted OpenIDs and associate them with your weblogs. Through a central interface you could decide to either accept a generic trusted set of whitelists from the top 100 weblogs on the planet to get you going, or add in the specific weblogs of friends, family and colleagues that you know share the same interests or readers. And of course individual weblogs can be rated subsequently for whether they let through people who subsequently turn out to be troublemakers, or rewarded for the number of real people that they mark as trustworthy. I want to make this particularly clear – I’m not talking about one great big web of trust which can be polluted by someone hacking one whitelist somewhere on the internet. I’m not talking about there being one canonical whitelist anywhere either. I’m definitely and specifically talking about you deciding which site owners (or groups of site owners) that you trust and that being the backbone to your personal service. People that your peers trust may be different to the people that my peers trust. And so it should be.
There’s even a business model here. I’d pay (a small amount) for any service that allowed me to have vibrant and enthusiastic conversations on my weblog without having to manually approve every single message. I’m sure other people would too. And of course, much like OpenID itself, there’s no reason that there should only be one such whitelist provider online. There could be a whole ecology here.
So what do people think? Does this have legs? Is it a sufficiently interesting idea to play with further? Where is the OpenID community on this stuff at the moment? Could social whitelisting of OpenIDs be the thing that rescues distributed conversation from death by spam? There’s a discussion over on Simon’s original post on the subject, or feel free to post below (but be warned that it may take me a while to approve your messages…)
- The Seventh Annual Weblog Awards are running again… I think it’s fair to say that it has not been a good year for plasticbag.org and that I’ve not written anywhere near as much stuff or at such high quality. So go vote for someone else!
- eStarling has a range of wifi enabled photo frames for sale which look really interesting I’ve been waiting for one of these to turn up for ages, so now the question is when to get one and what can be built against it…
- My friend Kerry gets sent scripts for a living and received one recently about a guy who has to live with a gay guy for three months to get an inheritance… You really have to read the rest to really get it. My thoughts: increasingly somehow gay stereotyping has been disconnected from apparent anti-gay sentiment. We’ve gained freedom but lost our dignity. And it’s something that I find infuriating.
- Phil Gyford posts his top tunes of 2006, complete with MP3s. I’m going to explore that straightaway… He also mentions his most-played artists of the year, which seems to me to be an eminently good idea. Next linklogged thingy, I should think…
- My rolling year chart at last.fm reveal that I listened primarily to Beck, Goldfrapp, Nina Simone and Sean Lennon last year, which is maybe a bit embarrassing… Most played tracks, weirdly, were all electronica from Balance 005 or by Minilogue. Most-played albums were Goldfrapp’s Supernature, Joanna Newsom’s Milk-Eyed Mender, Alison Moyet’s (!) Hoodoo, Beck’s Guerolito and The Editor’s Back Room…
- Matt Biddulph demonstrates how he can now exert pressure on objects in a virtual space by manipulating objects in real space This is fascinating and lovely. Teledildonics leaps to mind, of course, but then it would. After that, you get into more interesting relationships between ambient connected devices and virtual worlds, and that’s when I get all moist.
- Maps of War has a Flash map supposedly illustrating the evolution and territorial expansion of the world’s religions Frankly it’s a pile of balls. Firstly it represents legally atheistic countries as Christian, does not distinguish between radically different sects of the same religion and totally ignores polytheistic religions. Judaism gets a particularly hard representation.
- Another review of The God Delusion – this time from the Independent and by Murrough O’Brien, and full of extraordinarily bad argument and logical fallacies… O’Brien cites Darwin’s influence on Hitler as a bad thing. It is, but logic (unlike religion) does not require the use of knowledge to be positive. Similarly, it is not reasonable to argue that longevity of the religious idea constitutes any evidence to its validity…
- Okay – only a few more of these to go – another review of The God Delusion, this time by Mary Wakefield of The Daily Telegraph, who again says that it won’t convince anyone… The assumption of these reviews is that an individual is either a Christian or an atheist. I disagree. I think there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians who when faced with the actuality of what they’re supposed to believe look stunned and incredulous. The most obvious people to persuade to abandon Christianity are the ones who have believed it by default and have never given the question sufficient attention.
- Jim Holt reviews The God Delusion for the New York Times Another review that argues the book won’t convince anyone and which muddles up Dawkins’ thinking with group selection, before arguing it’s reasonable to ignore the way one would operate in any other situation when confronted with a religious question…
- The Google Reader blog talks about the work on the trends stuff that Veen and Doug have been doing… I’ve still not actually had a play with this yet, which is pretty much unforgivable, particularly as I have such trouble with keeping up with my newsreader.
- Dan Hill’s leaving the BBC to run off and work on pretty-much-ideally-perfect magazine multimedia concept Monocle… I’m sort of jealous in some ways. Everyone’s running off across to hybridised media or physical devices, and I’m still with my internets in the middle. Good luck old chap.
- New York is going to make it so that its 911 and 311 emergency and irritation lines can accept images and video I love this idea, if they can effectively hook it together so that images and phone calls are effectively matched together. The idea of taking a picture of a criminal and sending it with your call, or of the wound of a car crash victim. Very smart…
- Awesome video from eboy made using pixel art and featuring Albert Einstein It’s like someone brought magical life to pixels and they snogged some Habbos, hung out with Lego models and ended up cooler than all of em…
- YouTube has a wonderful silent film version of Star Wars which only takes a few minutes to watch… Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers seem particularly entertaining. And the Ewoks. Them too.
- Steven Pinker writes on ‘The Mystery of Consciousness’ in Time Magazine… The brain has an evaluative quality thatalong with biochemical stimulicauses individuals to operate in coherent ways. It should be beneficial to an individual to model other entities’ behaviour. Maybe consciousness is that skill turned on oneself?
- BoingBoing is being talked about on BBC News today because of the effect a blogger boycott can generate… I’m not sure what I think of this stuff. Exactly the same tactics could be and can be used by people with very different, intolerant and mainstream beliefs. I’m not sure I like the idea of a boycott of people who don’t approve of gay people, for example..
This is so much fun. Where to start? Okay. So in September last year a few of us went to the O’Reilly FOO Camp. It’s an invitation-only event in Sebastopol in California where everyone’s expected to present what they’re thinking about or working on and where lots of fascinating conversations happen. It’s an honour to be invited and my favourite event of the year. I wrote about last year’s experience extensively with this post in particularMaps, Invaders, Robots & Throwiesbeing the most directly relevant to what I’m about to show you.
Anyway, one of the fun things that happened over the weekend was that Chris DiBona announced that Google were going to be doing a flyover of the campus and that we should take the opportunity to make some interesting art projects that would subsequently be visible from Google Maps and Google Earth. So we did.
The rumour is you’ll be able to see this in context on the sites and services concerned sometime in the middle of February, but Chris has been gracious enough to send me a Creative Commons-licensed snapshot of the entire campus showing both the project that Cal, Simon, Paul, Heathcote, Suw Charman, Biddulph and I put together (with help from lovely people like Jane), and the competing project that Chris and Jane masterminded themselves. So here they are. First off the Space Invaders that Cal, Biddulph, Simon, Paul, Heathcote, Suw, Jane and I put together:
And next up the Cylon raider created by Jane, Chris and their team:
You can see the whole photo here for the moment (be warned, it’s a couple of meg in size) and here below are some pictures of the building process as it happened. All photos are from Julian Bleecker’s FOO Camp set.