
Grant mentions Barbelith…

“If you missed the Secret of the Universe the first time around, do what Gideon says on page 8 or go to where all those cool eggheads and stoner motherfuckers will do their best to “explain” it to you. If THE INVISIBLES exist anywhere now, it’s on that forum and in your heads. If you still ain’t had your fill of fucked up theories, I can be contacted there with the rest of them in whatever form it takes in the future.”

If you are here because of the above quote, start off with The Bomb, and then proceed to the The Nexus. And stick around because the new revolution is just about to start…


Oh Messy Life explains The Invisibles…

And if you haven’t got the slightest clue what I am talking about, or what the attraction of the Invisibles is, and how I am going to feel about the fact that it has now ended then go and talk to Oh Messy Life, who manages to explain it perfectly. Enjoy.


The board is mentioned in the Invisibles…

Very frustrating. People tell me the Nexus is mentioned in The Invisibles this month, but it’s a day late arriving in the shops. In the meantime, some people have been asking how they can get their hands on Fortune Hotel, which includes a piece by Grant as well as Douglas Coupland, Will Self and many others. I have found it on, but nowhere else. Sorry!


Exhausted but Euphoric…

I’m exhausted but euphoric as things finally seem to be coming together. I’m moving in to my new flat on Saturday, finally catching up on work, and I got some sleep (my first for ages). And it’s sunny! But still, I am still not at peak efficiency. So let’s start the day with some gentle blogging:

Is anyone else bored of Diana, the ever saintly (practically canonised) Princess of Wales? Certainly doesn’t appear to be. All over the net at the moment I am seeing The Princess of Wales Rose banner ads. Is this really the thrust of the new economy? Should we all buy chintz and commemorative mugs now?

The most amusing thing about Wired’s article about National Phone In Sick Day is that in the UK we get the day off anyway. In fact, next week will be our third four day week in a row. I love Bank Holidays.

And while I am at it, I just thought I should say congrats to Meg for both a highly successful redesign and having an incredibly cool web savvy mother. Jealous much, web kids? I know I am.


What now?

You build a website for a comic book, and then get the logo of the website in the comic book and then get the website mentioned in the comic book and then the comic book ends and you think – WHAT NOW? Pick up a copy of The Invisibles today, and then go and visit the Nexus.


On Web Queeries…

Web Queeries (which I write for occasionally) has been named blog of the week over at Blogger. It’s a particularly worthy one because it actually offers a useful journalistic service with an entertainingly personal spin.


Well designed weblogs are a

Well designed weblogs are a particular fetish of mine. And riothero has gone and found me another one. Mark describes it as a mix of powazek and barbelith, which is rather decent of him. Introducing: sja

Personal Publishing

Six months of weblogging…

The 1st of May (next Sunday) will be my six month anniversary of weblogging, and I find myself confronting the same questions and situations now as I did when I began. My first entry came together at the beginning of November [1/11/99], when was just about to start a contract at Time Out. At the time I didn’t know what the job was or even what the title was. Now I am about to be promoted – at least this time I know what the title is.

The same concerns about writing occupy me as well. Is it all right to write about friends and family? How candid should a weblogger be? Why do I want to write about myself and is it a positive means of expression, or is it too constrained to be anything other than completely artificial. When I am frustrated, can I vent? Or must I be wary of saying something that I might regret later? It took me only two weeks [15/11/99] to start worrying about these things, and I haven’t found a solution yet:

“And then your fourteen year old brother is wondering whether or not your parents should be told about the what you have said on the site. And should I really be advocating the dismantling of the phallogocentric hetero-orthodoxy within his tender earshot? More to the point, how on earth are you going to talk about sex when you know your brother (half your age) is looking over your shoulder?”

And the most depressing thing of all? As I am (finally) about to move in to my new flat I decide to find out when all this horror began – when the spectre of homelessness first loomed above my head. I find that while I only (!) moved out of my flat at the beginning of March [2/3/00], I first started talking about the process way back in January [20/1/00]. It’s no wonder I feel tired all the time…


Unexpected bills…

Today is one of those weird days where you blog after midnight (ouch – how Gremlins is that?) and you don’t feel like it is really Saturday at all because you haven’t slept yet, but it is, and you know that your blog will show it to be Saturday. So you can’t say things like “Today I went to see American Psycho with Rhonda and John” nor can you say “Today I travelled up to Norfolk to see my parents and my brother” or even “Tomorrow Gideon is arriving from Mexico by way of Israel, and that I am really looking forward to it because I hardly ever get to see him”, because really it wasn’t today and it isn’t tomorrow, it was yesterday and today. But then you don’t want to confuse people…

My web-hosting weirdness continues unabated. After having been charged roughly $400 for excess bandwidth (and me sending them a stroppy e-mail saying that there was no reason that they couldn’t have automatically bumped me up to a higher level of package (costing me 0.25% of the money I was charged) when I reached the limits of the current one), I have just been sent a concilatory letter offering me an extra Gb of traffic a month, plus doubled server space and 10 more POP3 accounts. It would be tempting if I wasn’t still going to spiral over their bandwidth allowance. Honestly – Netnation are still not in my good books…


I'm a bit perturbed by

I’m a bit perturbed by riothero. I mean his “Top 10 Things That Would Be Different If The 12 Apostles Had Been Gay” is clearly well meaning and occasionally very funny (“The water at the Wedding Feast of Cana would have turned into dry martinis with just a splash of Curacao for color”) but also strays close on a couple of occasions to dubiousness. I think it’s one of those things where you can make the jokes if you’re part of the club, but if you’re not… I know Mark of old, and know him to be a decent and fun chap, and I am certainly not suggesting any impropriety on his part. It’s just his words sound… odd…