I got an e-mail the other day from a guy called Kunal Anand who writes a weblog over at whatspop.com. He’d been doing some nice simple visualisations with Python and (I think) Processing of the connections within his del.icio.us tags. Here’s a bit of his work:
Anyway, he asked me if he could get a dump of my del.icio.us XML to have a play with – I think he’s trying to see if there are any obviously different styles of tagging that you could see with visualisations of different people’s tag clouds – and I said yes. And having done so I thought that someone else out there might also get some value from playing with this data, so if you want it here it is: delicious.xml.
2 replies on “Visualising my del.icio.us tags…”
Wow, that is a great looking visualization. I’ll send Kunal an email to check it out, thanks! And if your interested in more del.icio.us visualizations, you may want to checkout my Visualizing Del.icio.us Roundup from a while back. It’s got some interesting ones in there (my favorites are “Revealicious” and “Delicious Soup”). Enjoy!
That’s great. I am doing something similar in flash, and i was thinking of asking for some delicious xmls myself. I will take yours and add it to my experiment.
Thanks for sharing!