
In San Francisco, briefly…

Jet-lag equals brain death – I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s like the whole cognitive part of your brain is replaced with blind incomprepension. I get hungry at completely random times, go to sleep at random times and between four and six pm every day start looking at people’s heads to try and work out where I can hit them so they’ll be quiet and let me sleep. I hate jet-lag. Jet-lag hates me.

Anyway, in the four or five hours a day that my brief periods of being awake and sane intersect with everyone else’s, it all seems to be going well. I’m heading off to FooCamp this afternoon, which is intimidating and exciting in pretty much equal measure. I think I’m going to be talking about social media and user-generated metadata – and hopefully will be able to demo the Phonetags project that Matt Webb and I worked on earlier in the year with Gavin Bell and Graham Beale. I might even be able to finally put up the post about the project that I’ve been threatening since ETech.

After Foo, I’m back in San Francisco for Sunday and Monday night before returning to the UK. At the moment I haven’t quite figured out anywhere to stay for those nights, so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. And if anyone – as ever – wants to get together and chat about media navigation, social media, social software or design for Web 2.0, then they should send me a note to tom at the name of this website, as usual.


Links for 2005-08-17


Introducing Schulze & Webb…

I have a new favourite website representing two of my favourite people, Matt Webb and Jack Schulze who have formed a new company developing expermental prototypes in “software, display, manufacture, computing, networks, graphics and fiction”. If you’re looking for clued-up people to help you develop some ideas or to work with you to find new directions, then – after a year and a half of working with Webb – I can’t recommend them enough.

Having said all that, I’m really here to talk about how sexy their site is, how completely it bucks the current design trends towards simplicity and text, and how much it represents some of the weird bubbling goo that they have in their skulls. The URL again:


Links for 2005-08-16


The Daily Show's Indecision 2004…

I’m still running around like a chicken with its head cut off, so you’re just going to have to bear with me. Well, maybe that’s overstating it a little bit. I suppose I haven’t been running around insanely all the time – I have had a few breaks here and there. I’ve just not really had the energy to engage with the larger issues of the day. Instead I’ve mostly been lowering myself into a warm, milky bath of lame TV where I can destress with a bit of Battlestar Galactica (freaky body horror – awesome), Stargate Atlantis (aka Rodney McKay’s show) and Stargate SG-1 (the Pizza Express of TV sci-fi action). And then of course there’s been the wonderful relief of a three-DVD box-set of the Daily Show’s Indecision 2004 election coverage, which the dear Mr Sweeney sent me from the States.

I don’t think there’s anything I can say about the Daily Show that a thousand people haven’t said before. I became a fan whlie watching clips on the internet – an addiction that was enhanced by staying with Daily Show obsessives in the States. It’s bloody awesome television – smart, satiric and rude – that mostly retains a balanced and healthy scepticism for all kinds of political bullshit from all parts of the spectrum. The DVD box set is particularly awesome – covering the Democratic and Republican Conventions in depth and then a whole bunch of other stuff running up to Election Day itself. I’ve watched every minute of it and every feature and haven’t laughed so consistently in years. That is of course until the denouement, because of course not every story has a happy ending. It’s actually kind of heartbreaking to see Jon Stewart read out the list of states that outlawed any idea of gay marriage – the normal balance of the show rent with a kind of weird desperate horror at the emerging result. I’ll tell you this much for nothing – the DVD would have been a more consistently funny experience if the bad guys didn’t win at the end… Still, there’s always next time. Right? Right?


Links for 2005-08-12


Links for 2005-08-11


Links for 2005-08-09


After the Flood…

Day One was frantic panic and mopping up water and washing saturated clothes and trying to clear everything up. Day Two was all launderettes and friends coming around and newspaper and second order mopping up. Day Three is a day at home half-working and half-dealing with landlords and people coming to see if the carpet’s salvageable. Day Four (and maybe Day Five and Day Six and … ) will be back at work, and dealing with the insurance company and trying to work out how to get all the carpet in all the rooms of the house replaced at the same time while working normal hours and keeping everything I own somewhere inside the flat. It’s just a distraction, but it’s clogging up a lot of my time at the moment.


Links for 2005-08-06