
Links for 2005-07-28


Links for 2005-07-27


Semi-intelligent cloud-abstracting cows…

There’s an advert on British television at the moment featuring two animated clouds looking for additives. One asks the other if he’s seen any additives, the other says he’s seen something that might be an additive. It looks like a cloud with legs. The other cow suggests perhaps it’s a sheep.

And it occurs to me that sheep do not look like clouds. But simplified pictures of sheep drawn by children look like pictures of clouds. We abstract them in the same way – but it’s only in this second order, in these abstracted images, that a connection is made. I find the advert troubling because it implies a whole culture of drawing cows performing complex mental transformations and yet being too stupid to understand what they’re doing. Stupid, confused man-cows roaming the countryside getting confused by their own reasoning processes. Freaks me out. Maybe if it was funny


Links for 2005-07-26


Links for 2005-07-25


A weekend without rest…

Busy weekend. Friday morning is frantic cleaning, followed by a work away-day that runs directly into my brother’s arrival in town. Saturday is Open Tech (and fights with London Underground, and expensive taxi rides, and brief hanging outs and Blood Shot Surfers with Hammersley, Doctorow, Webb, Alice, Danny and about a million other neat people). Sunday is little brother and the Apple Store and interesting twists on English breakfasts at Leon on Carnaby Street. And now I’ve got about a ton of work to do before an early morning meeting which means that I have no real time for all the write-ups and thinking and digesting and catching-up with stuff that I really need – and want – to do. You have had more direct commentary from Open Tech if I’d managed to get the bloody wifi working. In the meantime, here are my photos from the day.


Another bout of explosions in London…

Something new and bad is happening around London right now – apparently incidents have closed three tube stations, and Sky News has something about a guy with a rucksack that exploded, although there are no casualties currently reported. The standard attempt to get to in contact with friends and colleagues isn’t working because the mobile network is down for some reason. Keep getting pings from people on IM though.


A brief public "Thank You" to my friends…

I’d just like to say ‘Thank You’ to all the lovely people who came to celebrate my 33rd birthday with me last night at the awesome Back to Basics Seafood Restaurant in Fitzrovia last night. I had a lovely time and you’re all charming people and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Thanks again!


On crap that gets in the way…

Funny weekend. Not what I was expecting. My list of things to do had some things struck off it, but none of them were really terribly exciting. The bits of writing I’d meant to do did not get done – the things I have nearly completed remain nearly completed. Ah but the tiny victories: The bathroom is clean! The kitchen is clean! I have installed Tiger on my desktop Mac! I have done some shopping!

These are the wonders that keep me from doing useful things in the world and thinking about the web and computers and navigation and media distribution. There are dark, dark times when I think we should all learn from the great lessons that The Sims taught a generation – the way to success is to start with a small flat, regular delivery pizza and a maid.

The one vaguely web-related thing that I have done over the weekend has caused me a little angst as well. I’ve put Adwords on Barbelith. I never thought I’d do that, but I have to find some way of maintaining the site in the longer term. It’s only unregistered users who see them – mainly people referred from Google, and as such I don’t feel too guilty about it. But it doesn’t sit well. They’ve been up a day and so far they’ve brought in $6. I guess we’ll see how it goes.


Links for 2005-07-18