- Identify the countries of the world in a big Flash World Map Game! I got 36. I can’t tell if that’s good or not. I suspect it’s not the greatest.
- Techcrunch reviews mixd – Yahoo’s new group texting service I think the group texting facilitiescomplete with web-based archives for text and photoswill rapidly prove to have more useful possibilities than the initial event-organising premise suggests…
- GoogleBlog bids Adieu to Google Answers I find the two different approaches taken by the two companies to the idea of Questions and Answers profoundly interesting. I don’t think anyone’s quite nailed the full dynamics yet, and look forward to seeing how the field progresses….
- The BBC’s Alan Yentob now has an (shudderingly creepy) avatar in Second Life which is flying around for an upcoming BBC TV show I recently spent a bunch of cash in Second Life to try and get an avatar that I actually felt cool, and ended up producing some weird neanderthal looking gay porn-star style figure that sort of embarrasses me to use…
- Checked in at Hicks Design again recently, and reminded myself how classy his work is again Much to explore. Consumately classy.
- The BBC reports on attempts to reconstruct an ancient device thought to measure the movements of the stars I don’t know to what extent the reconstructions referred to in the article are trusted by Classicists or Archaeologists. I should really explore this more. It’s sort of fascinating…
- Loving the eboy Web 2.0 brand-filled pixelposter right about now I want one of these. More particularly I want to make a site that makes it onto things like this. I liked that Odeo and Blogger were surrounded by bikini-wearing hula-hoopers too. Funny.
- I have to say I’m really quite impressed by the new Yahoo TV site It’s clean, open, practical. It has a page for every episode of most programmes and things that users can do around them. Generally pretty solid bit of work.
- Second Life Economic Statistics Fantastically interesting insight-generating whatsits into the amount of people, land and money in Second Life and what they’re all doing…
- Signal vs. Noise on building less and underdoing to win in competitive markets Not sure that I totally buy this, but certainly it’s interesting that Nintendo didn’t take the high expensive compete on raw power route to victory, but instead looked towards making profitable and innovate stuff…
- World of Warcraft’s Top List contain information on everything from most popular auctioned items to creature most likely to kill you Not as interesting as the stats for Second Life, unless you’re totally enmeshed in the ecology of WoW which I’m delighted to report, I feel like I’ve finally escaped from…
- Belly’s gonna getcha! Classicand highly disturbingadvert for some running shoes in the UK. Seeing this advert will make several of my posts from the last few years suddenly make sense…
- Best game ever – an asteroid takes revenge on the tiny vector ships that have been oppressing it I’m a bit of a fan of this. Plucky underdog rises up to fight the oppressor. Very cool.
When iPods take over the Earth…
This is a bit of a frivolous post, but what the hell. It’s better than nothing. Highly entertaining images from the latest episode of the Simpsons. Firstly Ralph being a unitard:
But my particular favourites, which I’m sure I’ll have to find a way to work into some presentation on design practice at some point in the future, concerns MP3 players. As the man in the future says, “If only we’d known that iPods would unite and overthrow the very humans they entertained…”
Made me laugh, anyway…
- Apparently thinking of three good things that happened to you or you did before going to bed improves general happiness This is an AP story, heavily syndicated all over the internets. I wonder about things like the AP. It drives me mad that this link probably won’t work in a few weeks. At the moment it’s on hundreds of sites. In a year? I don’t know that it’ll be on any. Doesn’t seem like a particularly brilliant model…
- It looks like we might actually hit a point relatively soon where you can get two $US for the £ Everything in America is free.
To live in interesting times…
I just thought I should probably post something to say that I’m not dead, that instead I’ve just managed to hit tax season, tight deadlines, a few small speaking engagements in a row (more on those later) and one pretty terrifying life-changing decision all at the same time. More on all of these later, but at the moment it’s nose back to the grindstone.
- Duncan Wilson and Sirrka Hammer’s awesome wall of beautiful pixel post-its Really like this – the wall is painted red and then four layers of grey post-its, each a slightly lighter shade the one before are placed on top. Through use patterns and shapes emerge…
- Richard Dawkins has written another essay about Atheism which I suppose is worth a read It’s not the best essay, by any means, but it’s vaguely interesting and of course I’m there with the sentiment. I wonder what draws a man to finally declare war on religion. I feel close to that point, but not there yet…
- Ethan KaplanSenior Director of Technology at Warner Bros Recordsis decidedly unimpressed by the Zune Discovered via the Digial Music Weblog, one of my new favourite places for keeping up with media shifts…
- Jack Schulze talks about robot arms, both those that translate movements larger or smaller and those that operate alone I don’t know if I buy the idea of ubiquitous robotic arms, although no doubt improving technology, better sensors and semi-flexible materials might make them more practical. But it’s a lovely lyrical post. Fascinating…